di Fondation Le Corbusier
In the 1940s master architect Le Corbusier developed the Modulor, a universal system of proportion based on the measurements of the human body and the golden section found throughout nature. The Modulor Rule, a two-sided measuring tape housed in a distinctive tin container, features the renowned system in striking red and blue with inch and centimeter scales on the reverse. The package also includes an insert with a brief duallanguage introduction (in English and French). The Modulor Rule is a perfect gift for architects and modern design buffs alike–an essential tool and important piece of design history, now accessible to all.
We picture the buildings of the high priest of modern architecture, Le Corbusier, as exemplars of crisp geometric forms and industrial, machined-age details, but we often forget that he integrated nature and the human element into his compositions. Nowhere is this more evident than the Modulor, Corb’s own measuring system based on the proportions of the body and intended to replace the sterile metric system with a “more harmonious set of measurements.” Never achieving the universal acceptance he envisioned, the Modulor is a fascinating look at Corbís efforts to reconcile human stature (in this case, his signature man-with-arm upraised) and mathematics.
This facsimile edition of the tape measure Corb made and carried in his pocket in a metal film canister features the red and-blue Modulor system on one side of a flexible tape, and imperial and metric markings on the other. This handsome object has a fascinating history and is the perfect gift for the desk of any architect, designer, modernism fan, mathematician, woodworker, seamstress, or anyone interested in measuring.
Veste editoriale: Nastro Fibra di Vetro a due Facce (3,80×235 cm) + Scatola di Latta
Formato: 10,2×16,5
Pagine: 298
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n: 241
Lingua: GB-F
Anno: 2018
ISBN: 9781568980607
di Fondation Le Corbusier
In the 1940s master architect Le Corbusier developed the Modulor, a universal system of proportion based on the measurements of the human body and the golden section found throughout nature. The Modulor Rule, a two-sided measuring tape housed in a distinctive tin container, features the renowned system in striking red and blue with inch and centimeter scales on the reverse. The package also includes an insert with a brief duallanguage introduction (in English and French). The Modulor Rule is a perfect gift for architects and modern design buffs alike–an essential tool and important piece of design history, now accessible to all.
We picture the buildings of the high priest of modern architecture, Le Corbusier, as exemplars of crisp geometric forms and industrial, machined-age details, but we often forget that he integrated nature and the human element into his compositions. Nowhere is this more evident than the Modulor, Corb’s own measuring system based on the proportions of the body and intended to replace the sterile metric system with a “more harmonious set of measurements.” Never achieving the universal acceptance he envisioned, the Modulor is a fascinating look at Corbís efforts to reconcile human stature (in this case, his signature man-with-arm upraised) and mathematics.
This facsimile edition of the tape measure Corb made and carried in his pocket in a metal film canister features the red and-blue Modulor system on one side of a flexible tape, and imperial and metric markings on the other. This handsome object has a fascinating history and is the perfect gift for the desk of any architect, designer, modernism fan, mathematician, woodworker, seamstress, or anyone interested in measuring.
Veste editoriale: Nastro Fibra di Vetro a due Facce (3,80×235 cm) + Scatola di Latta
Formato: 10,2×16,5
Pagine: 298
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n: 241
Lingua: GB-F
Anno: 2018
ISBN: 9781568980607
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