



di Russell FortmeyerCharles Linn

KINETIC ARCHITECTURE. Designs for Active Envelopes 

– Kinetic Architecture includes a foreword by Haico Schepers, Arup’s façade designer for the landmark Beijing National Aquatics Center, also known as the Watercube, built for the 2008 Olympic Games

– The book features detailed case studies explaining how complex multilayered façade systems create energy efficient, architecturally distinctive, and sought-after places to live and work

– Includes a technical glossary that defines key terminology in this emerging speciality area in architecture

‘Kinetic Architecture is, as intended a valuable resource for architects, engineers and students. This accessible, entertaining and pleasurable book with exceptional photography, is cleverly aimed at both professionals and those with a general interest in architecture and environment’ (Architects’ Journal)

A shift in the architecture industry’s focus in the last 20 years toward ecological concerns, long-term value, and user comfort has coincided with significant new developments in digital controls, actuators, shading typologies, building physics simulation capability, and material performance. This collision has afforded architects an expanded set of opportunities to create architecture that can respond directly to environmental conditions, resulting in innovative façade designs that quickly become landmarks for their cities. Fortmeyer and Linn trace the historical development of active façades in modern architecture, and reveal how contemporary architects and consultants design and test these systems.

> Russell Fortmeyer, LEED AP, is a design journalist, electrical engineer, and sustainability consultant with the LA office of the global engineering firm, Arup. A former technology editor for the magazine Architectural Record and a frequent contributor to many design publications, Russell is interested in the intersection between people, architecture, and technology. His key projects have included the Seattle Public Library, TreePeople Center for Community Forestry in Los Angeles, Kinghorn Cancer Center in Sydney, Australia, and Banner Estrella Medical Center in Phoenix. He holds a BS in Architectural Engineering from Kansas State University and MA in Architecture from the University of California at Los Angeles. He is the American correspondent for the magazine Architectural Review Australia and has contributed to several books, including Emerald Architecture: Case Studies in Green Building and Crib Sheets: Notes on the Contemporary Architectural Conversation.

> Charles Linn FAIA, is an architect who has specialised in architectural journalism for the past 25 years. He is currently a New York City-based freelance writer and editor. His clients include Architect magazine, Architectural Lighting, Metals in Construction, the Amercian Society of Mechanical Enginers, This Old House, the Urban Green Council, the American Architectural Foundation and the American Institute of Architects. He has written and edited various stories on building design, sustainability, urban design, architectural technology, and practice. He was an editor at Architectural Record for 20 years and was the startup editor for several magazines including GreenSource, Schools of the 21st Century, Laboratory Planning and Design, and Architectural Lighting. He was admitted to the AIA’s College of Fellows in 2002. He is licensed to practice architecture in several states and earned his Bachelor of Architecture from Kansas State university.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 25,4×25,4
Pagine: 224
Immagini a colori: 200
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2014

ISBN: 9781864704952




di Russell FortmeyerCharles Linn

KINETIC ARCHITECTURE. Designs for Active Envelopes 

– Kinetic Architecture includes a foreword by Haico Schepers, Arup’s façade designer for the landmark Beijing National Aquatics Center, also known as the Watercube, built for the 2008 Olympic Games

– The book features detailed case studies explaining how complex multilayered façade systems create energy efficient, architecturally distinctive, and sought-after places to live and work

– Includes a technical glossary that defines key terminology in this emerging speciality area in architecture

‘Kinetic Architecture is, as intended a valuable resource for architects, engineers and students. This accessible, entertaining and pleasurable book with exceptional photography, is cleverly aimed at both professionals and those with a general interest in architecture and environment’ (Architects’ Journal)

A shift in the architecture industry’s focus in the last 20 years toward ecological concerns, long-term value, and user comfort has coincided with significant new developments in digital controls, actuators, shading typologies, building physics simulation capability, and material performance. This collision has afforded architects an expanded set of opportunities to create architecture that can respond directly to environmental conditions, resulting in innovative façade designs that quickly become landmarks for their cities. Fortmeyer and Linn trace the historical development of active façades in modern architecture, and reveal how contemporary architects and consultants design and test these systems.

> Russell Fortmeyer, LEED AP, is a design journalist, electrical engineer, and sustainability consultant with the LA office of the global engineering firm, Arup. A former technology editor for the magazine Architectural Record and a frequent contributor to many design publications, Russell is interested in the intersection between people, architecture, and technology. His key projects have included the Seattle Public Library, TreePeople Center for Community Forestry in Los Angeles, Kinghorn Cancer Center in Sydney, Australia, and Banner Estrella Medical Center in Phoenix. He holds a BS in Architectural Engineering from Kansas State University and MA in Architecture from the University of California at Los Angeles. He is the American correspondent for the magazine Architectural Review Australia and has contributed to several books, including Emerald Architecture: Case Studies in Green Building and Crib Sheets: Notes on the Contemporary Architectural Conversation.

> Charles Linn FAIA, is an architect who has specialised in architectural journalism for the past 25 years. He is currently a New York City-based freelance writer and editor. His clients include Architect magazine, Architectural Lighting, Metals in Construction, the Amercian Society of Mechanical Enginers, This Old House, the Urban Green Council, the American Architectural Foundation and the American Institute of Architects. He has written and edited various stories on building design, sustainability, urban design, architectural technology, and practice. He was an editor at Architectural Record for 20 years and was the startup editor for several magazines including GreenSource, Schools of the 21st Century, Laboratory Planning and Design, and Architectural Lighting. He was admitted to the AIA’s College of Fellows in 2002. He is licensed to practice architecture in several states and earned his Bachelor of Architecture from Kansas State university.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 25,4×25,4
Pagine: 224
Immagini a colori: 200
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2014

ISBN: 9781864704952


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