di Kelly Hoppen M.B.E.
Kelly Hoppen offers a wealth of experience and advice on achieving your signature style, making this a definitive master class in home design. This book is a must for any home decorator wanting to give their home a touch of Kelly Hoppen’s distinctive style, the perfect combination of luxury with simplicity. Here, she reveals her trade secrets and shares her expert knowledge to ensure that your decorating project, however big or small in scale, runs smoothly, stays within budget, and achieves the look you want. In The Groundwork, part one of the book, she advises on basics, setting out the design process and weighing the choices, analyzing space, and working out what to do to improve the ergonomics of a home. She also identifies personal requirements and personal style. Getting Started looks at each room or key area in the home in detail, offering advice and ideas, highlighting the key issues and fundamental design principles applicable to each space, and providing helpful hints and guidelines on all aspects of decorating and furnishing that room. Ending with an invaluable address book of some of Hoppen’s favorite sources, and with space to add the reader’s own contacts and recommendations, this book is an essential companion to any home decorating project.
> Kelly Hoppen is one of the world’s most influential interior designers and was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire in 2009. She has completed designs for residential and commercial properties, yachts, and private jets as well as high-end retail spaces in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, London, and Dubai. Her previous books include Kelly Hoppen Interiors, Kelly Hoppen Style, and Kelly Hoppen Home.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Pagine: 328
Immagini a colori: 500
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: Ottobre 2016
ISBN: 9780847848942
di Kelly Hoppen M.B.E.
Kelly Hoppen offers a wealth of experience and advice on achieving your signature style, making this a definitive master class in home design. This book is a must for any home decorator wanting to give their home a touch of Kelly Hoppen’s distinctive style, the perfect combination of luxury with simplicity. Here, she reveals her trade secrets and shares her expert knowledge to ensure that your decorating project, however big or small in scale, runs smoothly, stays within budget, and achieves the look you want. In The Groundwork, part one of the book, she advises on basics, setting out the design process and weighing the choices, analyzing space, and working out what to do to improve the ergonomics of a home. She also identifies personal requirements and personal style. Getting Started looks at each room or key area in the home in detail, offering advice and ideas, highlighting the key issues and fundamental design principles applicable to each space, and providing helpful hints and guidelines on all aspects of decorating and furnishing that room. Ending with an invaluable address book of some of Hoppen’s favorite sources, and with space to add the reader’s own contacts and recommendations, this book is an essential companion to any home decorating project.
> Kelly Hoppen is one of the world’s most influential interior designers and was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire in 2009. She has completed designs for residential and commercial properties, yachts, and private jets as well as high-end retail spaces in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, London, and Dubai. Her previous books include Kelly Hoppen Interiors, Kelly Hoppen Style, and Kelly Hoppen Home.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Pagine: 328
Immagini a colori: 500
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: Ottobre 2016
ISBN: 9780847848942
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