



di Kelly Hoppen

KELLY HOPPEN INTERIORS. Inspiration and Design Solutions for Stylish, comfortable Interiors 

An indispensable source of inspiration and insightful advice for anyone undertaking home design or redecoration on any scale or budget. Kelly Hoppen is a world-renowned designer who has pioneered a simple yet opulent style that has won her numerous accolades and awards for her stunning interiors. While her designs are best known for symmetry, straight lines, and neutral color, she also pioneered softening strict minimalism with rounded, feminine forms, splashes of color, and fusing vintage and modern pieces for greater depth and patina. Her latest book is the summation of her twenty-five-year career in which she brings together all the strands of her trademark style and offers a unified vision of creating great interiors. The heart of this highly visual and inspirational book is a room-by-room master class, which includes checklists and expert advice for approaching interior design no matter the shape, size, or unique hurdles of a room. A combination of illustrative sketches, mood boards, and evocative photographs illustrates how to turn a concept into reality. Design decisions and dilemmas are covered, from assessing a room, reconfiguring space, and dealing with awkward layouts to planning lighting, choosing materials, and positioning furniture. The book features unique editorial elements and design devices throughout: ‘inspiration boxes,’ specific problems and solutions, and a special feature called ‘blank canvas transformed,’ which shows a sample space designed in several ways highlighting the effect of different styles, moods, and approaches.


* > Written by Kelly Hoppen, M.B.E.., Text by Sarah Stewart-Smith, Photographed by Mel Yates

Kelly Hoppen is one of the world’s leading contemporary interior designers. She has won many awards, including International Interior Designer of the Year and the Order of the British Empire. Her previous books include East Meets West and Monochrome Home.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Pagine: 224
Immagini a colori: 275
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2011
ISBN: 9780847835751




di Kelly Hoppen

KELLY HOPPEN INTERIORS. Inspiration and Design Solutions for Stylish, comfortable Interiors 

An indispensable source of inspiration and insightful advice for anyone undertaking home design or redecoration on any scale or budget. Kelly Hoppen is a world-renowned designer who has pioneered a simple yet opulent style that has won her numerous accolades and awards for her stunning interiors. While her designs are best known for symmetry, straight lines, and neutral color, she also pioneered softening strict minimalism with rounded, feminine forms, splashes of color, and fusing vintage and modern pieces for greater depth and patina. Her latest book is the summation of her twenty-five-year career in which she brings together all the strands of her trademark style and offers a unified vision of creating great interiors. The heart of this highly visual and inspirational book is a room-by-room master class, which includes checklists and expert advice for approaching interior design no matter the shape, size, or unique hurdles of a room. A combination of illustrative sketches, mood boards, and evocative photographs illustrates how to turn a concept into reality. Design decisions and dilemmas are covered, from assessing a room, reconfiguring space, and dealing with awkward layouts to planning lighting, choosing materials, and positioning furniture. The book features unique editorial elements and design devices throughout: ‘inspiration boxes,’ specific problems and solutions, and a special feature called ‘blank canvas transformed,’ which shows a sample space designed in several ways highlighting the effect of different styles, moods, and approaches.


* > Written by Kelly Hoppen, M.B.E.., Text by Sarah Stewart-Smith, Photographed by Mel Yates

Kelly Hoppen is one of the world’s leading contemporary interior designers. She has won many awards, including International Interior Designer of the Year and the Order of the British Empire. Her previous books include East Meets West and Monochrome Home.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Pagine: 224
Immagini a colori: 275
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2011
ISBN: 9780847835751


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