In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 58,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 52,00 €.

2 disponibili

di Jacques Simon


Jacques Simon is unmistakably a very important link in the renewal of French landscape architecture. For the first time in an oeuvre, Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian garden culture are combined with typically Latin structures, with classic architectural landscapes. He works as often as possible in situ, and does not shy away from driving the excavator himself. Since the eighties, he has also been creating transitory landscapes: with heavy and less heavy equipment, he brings patterns in fields, cultivated fields, snow-clad grounds, and so on. The list of important realisations by this landscape architect is impressive, and so is his influence.

The French landscape architect Jacques Simon’s love for nature first developed on his father’s tree farm and then deepened when he traveled as a young man to Sweden and then Canada, where he attended art school in Montreal while working as a lumberjack. Between 1957 and 1959, Simon studied at the École Nationale de Horticulture. He has since become an important link in the renewal of French landscape architecture, combining the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian garden cultures he absorbed in his travels with classic Latin structures. He works as often as possible in situ, and does not shy away from driving the tractor himself. Since the 1980s, Simon has also been creating transitory landscapes–patterns in cultivated fields and on snowy grounds. His projects range from the design of a 15,000-acre park in Normandy to a giant Eiffel Tower built from bales of hay.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 24×29
Pagine: 128
Immagini a colori: 200
Lingua: GB-F
Anno: 2007

ISBN: 9789058561947

In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 58,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 52,00 €.

2 disponibili

di Jacques Simon


Jacques Simon is unmistakably a very important link in the renewal of French landscape architecture. For the first time in an oeuvre, Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian garden culture are combined with typically Latin structures, with classic architectural landscapes. He works as often as possible in situ, and does not shy away from driving the excavator himself. Since the eighties, he has also been creating transitory landscapes: with heavy and less heavy equipment, he brings patterns in fields, cultivated fields, snow-clad grounds, and so on. The list of important realisations by this landscape architect is impressive, and so is his influence.

The French landscape architect Jacques Simon’s love for nature first developed on his father’s tree farm and then deepened when he traveled as a young man to Sweden and then Canada, where he attended art school in Montreal while working as a lumberjack. Between 1957 and 1959, Simon studied at the École Nationale de Horticulture. He has since become an important link in the renewal of French landscape architecture, combining the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian garden cultures he absorbed in his travels with classic Latin structures. He works as often as possible in situ, and does not shy away from driving the tractor himself. Since the 1980s, Simon has also been creating transitory landscapes–patterns in cultivated fields and on snowy grounds. His projects range from the design of a 15,000-acre park in Normandy to a giant Eiffel Tower built from bales of hay.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 24×29
Pagine: 128
Immagini a colori: 200
Lingua: GB-F
Anno: 2007

ISBN: 9789058561947


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