In Offerta

INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE Protection and Redevelopment

Il prezzo originale era: 59,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 54,00 €.

di  Michael Louw

INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE Protection and Redevelopment

  • World-wide case-study selection showcases industrial building transformations in different cultures
  • Rich technical drawings provide practical advice on the adaptive reuse of industrial building in the new era
  • Four essays give in-depth research opportunities


Industrial heritage is an important part of our built environment and landscape. It provides tangible and intangible links to our past and has great potential to play a significant role in the futures of our cities, towns, and rural environments. The projection and redevelopment of industrial heritage can contribute to the building of social and cultural capital, environmental sustainability, and urban regeneration. This book showcases a selection of works completed since 2010 with a wide global distribution. It highlights an encouraging increase in the practice of the transformation, redevelopment, and adaptive reuse of industrial structures. From under-utilised, disused, or discarded reminders of times past, the latest metamorphoses of buildings and structures have imbued them with new purposes in what could be regarded as one more stage in a continuous process of industrial evolution. The four essays written by authors from a variety of backgrounds and locations offer a rich addition to the selection of case studies and could serve as opportunities for further research. This book provides direct, informational reference to architects, researchers, and decision-makers.

– Includes projects located in France, Sweden, China, Spain, Chile, the Netherlands, USA, Germany, Portugal, Denmark, South Africa, Italy, Canada, Thailand, Latvia, Belgium, Estonia, and India.

> Michael Louw is the director of CMAI Architects and senior lecturer at the University of Cape Town’s School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics. He completed his architecture degree at the University of Pretoria in 1998. In 2005, he attended the Glenn Murcutt Master Class in Australia and then completed a postgraduate MPhil degree in Sustainable Development Planning and Management at the University of Stellenboschin South Africa. His research interests include architectural history and temporality, technology, craft, and design-build practices. Michael co-convenes a design-research studio in the Architectural Master’s and Honors programs called Adapt, which focuses on adaptive reuse, and he convenes the second year Technology course in the Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS) program. He is also the project leader for the school’s annual design-build project, which is known as the Imizamo Yethu water platforms.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 23,5×29
Pagine: 288
Immagini a colori: 400
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2018

ISBN: 9781864707786

In Offerta

INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE Protection and Redevelopment

Il prezzo originale era: 59,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 54,00 €.

di  Michael Louw

INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE Protection and Redevelopment

  • World-wide case-study selection showcases industrial building transformations in different cultures
  • Rich technical drawings provide practical advice on the adaptive reuse of industrial building in the new era
  • Four essays give in-depth research opportunities


Industrial heritage is an important part of our built environment and landscape. It provides tangible and intangible links to our past and has great potential to play a significant role in the futures of our cities, towns, and rural environments. The projection and redevelopment of industrial heritage can contribute to the building of social and cultural capital, environmental sustainability, and urban regeneration. This book showcases a selection of works completed since 2010 with a wide global distribution. It highlights an encouraging increase in the practice of the transformation, redevelopment, and adaptive reuse of industrial structures. From under-utilised, disused, or discarded reminders of times past, the latest metamorphoses of buildings and structures have imbued them with new purposes in what could be regarded as one more stage in a continuous process of industrial evolution. The four essays written by authors from a variety of backgrounds and locations offer a rich addition to the selection of case studies and could serve as opportunities for further research. This book provides direct, informational reference to architects, researchers, and decision-makers.

– Includes projects located in France, Sweden, China, Spain, Chile, the Netherlands, USA, Germany, Portugal, Denmark, South Africa, Italy, Canada, Thailand, Latvia, Belgium, Estonia, and India.

> Michael Louw is the director of CMAI Architects and senior lecturer at the University of Cape Town’s School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics. He completed his architecture degree at the University of Pretoria in 1998. In 2005, he attended the Glenn Murcutt Master Class in Australia and then completed a postgraduate MPhil degree in Sustainable Development Planning and Management at the University of Stellenboschin South Africa. His research interests include architectural history and temporality, technology, craft, and design-build practices. Michael co-convenes a design-research studio in the Architectural Master’s and Honors programs called Adapt, which focuses on adaptive reuse, and he convenes the second year Technology course in the Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS) program. He is also the project leader for the school’s annual design-build project, which is known as the Imizamo Yethu water platforms.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 23,5×29
Pagine: 288
Immagini a colori: 400
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2018

ISBN: 9781864707786


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