


HISTORIC HOUSES OF PARIS. Residences of the Ambassadors


A unique glimpse inside a world of luxury, tradition, and splendor. Many historic homes in Paris serve as residences to foreign ambassadors; these historical sites are closed to the general public. From a seventeenth-century hôtel particulier, to a Belle Epoque palace, to a distinctively contemporary setting, each residence rivals the next in its beauty, art collection, and period furniture set against a backdrop of accomplished refinement. Alain Stella invites us over the threshold inside the most prestigious chancelleries and ambassador residences in Paris—from China and Peru to Egypt and Poland. Tapestries inspired by Goya’s drawings grace the lavish salons at the Spanish residence. Jean Prouvé and Charlotte Perriand created a minimalist interior at the Japanese residence that evokes the refined style of a traditional Japanese home. The palace of Eugène de Beauharnais—home to the German ambassadors since 1818—retains its elaborate Empire style, intact since the time of Josephine. Superb photographs, specially commissioned for this book over the course of a year, divulge the secrets of these previously unpublished artistic and architectural treasures.

Alain Stella is a traveler and writer. He has published numerous books with Flammarion including The Book of Coffee (1997), The Book of Tea(1992/2005), The Little Book of Coffee (2001), French Tea: Mariage Frères—Three Centuries of Savoir-Faire (2009), Distinctive Vintages (2008), and The Book of Spices (2000). Francis Hammond’s photographs have been published in French Tea: Mariage Frères and Elegant Entertaining (2009). He regularly works in the fashion and advertising industries, contributes to international magazines, and divides his time between New York and Paris.



HISTORIC HOUSES OF PARIS. Residences of the Ambassadors


A unique glimpse inside a world of luxury, tradition, and splendor. Many historic homes in Paris serve as residences to foreign ambassadors; these historical sites are closed to the general public. From a seventeenth-century hôtel particulier, to a Belle Epoque palace, to a distinctively contemporary setting, each residence rivals the next in its beauty, art collection, and period furniture set against a backdrop of accomplished refinement. Alain Stella invites us over the threshold inside the most prestigious chancelleries and ambassador residences in Paris—from China and Peru to Egypt and Poland. Tapestries inspired by Goya’s drawings grace the lavish salons at the Spanish residence. Jean Prouvé and Charlotte Perriand created a minimalist interior at the Japanese residence that evokes the refined style of a traditional Japanese home. The palace of Eugène de Beauharnais—home to the German ambassadors since 1818—retains its elaborate Empire style, intact since the time of Josephine. Superb photographs, specially commissioned for this book over the course of a year, divulge the secrets of these previously unpublished artistic and architectural treasures.

Alain Stella is a traveler and writer. He has published numerous books with Flammarion including The Book of Coffee (1997), The Book of Tea(1992/2005), The Little Book of Coffee (2001), French Tea: Mariage Frères—Three Centuries of Savoir-Faire (2009), Distinctive Vintages (2008), and The Book of Spices (2000). Francis Hammond’s photographs have been published in French Tea: Mariage Frères and Elegant Entertaining (2009). He regularly works in the fashion and advertising industries, contributes to international magazines, and divides his time between New York and Paris.


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