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Innovative tastemakers from the worlds of interior design, architecture, fashion, and art open their doors to show us how to fill our homes with personal flair. Heart and Home: Rooms That Tell Stories offers a panorama of the varieties of forward-looking interior design today—from an eclectic, book-filled New York loft in a 1920s factory building to an updated and art-filled ‘Old Hollywood’ estate in Beverly Hills to a supremely serene haveli in Udaipur, India, and more—but all imbued with character, originality, and personal meaning for their creative and visionary inhabitants, providing inspiration to us all. Author Linda O’Keeffe gives an intimate tour of the domiciles of some of the most celebrated and innovative figures in the worlds of interior design, architecture, fashion, and art. Here, home is defined as an emotionally arresting space that nurtures and inspires creative forces such as interior designer Kelly Wearstler; architects Calvin Tsao and Zack McKown; fashion designer Wolfgang Joop; John Jay, creative director of Wieden + Kennedy; antiques dealer Ray Azoulay; glassware designer Deborah Ehrlich and wood sculptor Christopher Kurtz; architect and interior designer Lee Ledbetter; and furniture and interior designers Gene Meyer and Frank de Biasi, among others.
> Noted design editor and writer Linda O’Keeffe has been involved in design for over three decades, including sixteen years as the creative director at Metropolitan Home magazine. She currently contributes to a variety of shelter and architecture publications, lectures, moderates panels, and appears regularly on radio and television design programs. She is the author of Brilliant: White in Design and Shoes: A Celebration of Pumps, Sandals, Slippers & More.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 22,7×28,8
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori: 200
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2014
ISBN: 9780847843640
Prezzo valido solamente per pagamenti tramite BB
Innovative tastemakers from the worlds of interior design, architecture, fashion, and art open their doors to show us how to fill our homes with personal flair. Heart and Home: Rooms That Tell Stories offers a panorama of the varieties of forward-looking interior design today—from an eclectic, book-filled New York loft in a 1920s factory building to an updated and art-filled ‘Old Hollywood’ estate in Beverly Hills to a supremely serene haveli in Udaipur, India, and more—but all imbued with character, originality, and personal meaning for their creative and visionary inhabitants, providing inspiration to us all. Author Linda O’Keeffe gives an intimate tour of the domiciles of some of the most celebrated and innovative figures in the worlds of interior design, architecture, fashion, and art. Here, home is defined as an emotionally arresting space that nurtures and inspires creative forces such as interior designer Kelly Wearstler; architects Calvin Tsao and Zack McKown; fashion designer Wolfgang Joop; John Jay, creative director of Wieden + Kennedy; antiques dealer Ray Azoulay; glassware designer Deborah Ehrlich and wood sculptor Christopher Kurtz; architect and interior designer Lee Ledbetter; and furniture and interior designers Gene Meyer and Frank de Biasi, among others.
> Noted design editor and writer Linda O’Keeffe has been involved in design for over three decades, including sixteen years as the creative director at Metropolitan Home magazine. She currently contributes to a variety of shelter and architecture publications, lectures, moderates panels, and appears regularly on radio and television design programs. She is the author of Brilliant: White in Design and Shoes: A Celebration of Pumps, Sandals, Slippers & More.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 22,7×28,8
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori: 200
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2014
ISBN: 9780847843640
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