In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 69,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 62,00 €.

di Rolf and Mette Hay

a cura di Kelsey Keith (with a Foreword by John Hoke III)

Welcome to HAY’s universe of irresistible, affordable, everyday design.

HAY is destined to be an important part of the modern design canon – not as the result of design theory or design thinking, but as a result of design doing.’ – John Hoke III, Chief Design Officer, Nike

In 2002, husband and wife Rolf and Mette Hay founded their namesake company and forever changed how the world perceives Scandinavian design. Born from the duo’s desire to make outstanding design available to all, HAY reimagines functional objects, turning couches, cutting boards, towels, and toothbrushes into vibrant items that bring joy to one’s daily life.

Simple, stylish, and affordable, HAY’s furniture and accessories are a seamless blend of quality and economy. The brand’s deep connections within the art, food, fashion, and broader cultural communities, as well as its exuberant use of colour – icy pastels, Memphis primary colours, rich jewel tones, and vivid near-neons – ensure HAY’s best-selling products including the Mags Sofa, Matin Lamp, About A Chair, Palissade Collection, and Sowden Accessories Collection remain one step ahead of the zeitgeist.

Published to coincide with the brand’s 20th anniversary, this inspiring visual monograph explores HAY’s origins and astronomical trajectory, including its close partnership with Herman Miller; its collaborations with an ever-growing stable of brilliant designers, along with design companies such as COS, IKEA, and SONOS; and the aesthetic alchemy that makes HAY’s products and retail environments so distinct.

The book features exclusive interviews with five pairs of designers: Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec; Nipa Doshi and Jonathan Levien; Shane Schneck and Clara von Zweigbergk (who also designed the book); Fien Muller and Hannes Van Severen; and Stine Gam and Enrico Fratesi.

Beautifully illustrated with 600 colour images, HAY also includes an introduction by Kelsey Keith, the editorial director at Herman Miller, and contributions from Lucy Bourton, Duncan Riches, Emily Nathan and Tom Morris.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 20,5×27
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori-b/n: 300
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2022

ISBN: 9781838665647

In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 69,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 62,00 €.

di Rolf and Mette Hay

a cura di Kelsey Keith (with a Foreword by John Hoke III)

Welcome to HAY’s universe of irresistible, affordable, everyday design.

HAY is destined to be an important part of the modern design canon – not as the result of design theory or design thinking, but as a result of design doing.’ – John Hoke III, Chief Design Officer, Nike

In 2002, husband and wife Rolf and Mette Hay founded their namesake company and forever changed how the world perceives Scandinavian design. Born from the duo’s desire to make outstanding design available to all, HAY reimagines functional objects, turning couches, cutting boards, towels, and toothbrushes into vibrant items that bring joy to one’s daily life.

Simple, stylish, and affordable, HAY’s furniture and accessories are a seamless blend of quality and economy. The brand’s deep connections within the art, food, fashion, and broader cultural communities, as well as its exuberant use of colour – icy pastels, Memphis primary colours, rich jewel tones, and vivid near-neons – ensure HAY’s best-selling products including the Mags Sofa, Matin Lamp, About A Chair, Palissade Collection, and Sowden Accessories Collection remain one step ahead of the zeitgeist.

Published to coincide with the brand’s 20th anniversary, this inspiring visual monograph explores HAY’s origins and astronomical trajectory, including its close partnership with Herman Miller; its collaborations with an ever-growing stable of brilliant designers, along with design companies such as COS, IKEA, and SONOS; and the aesthetic alchemy that makes HAY’s products and retail environments so distinct.

The book features exclusive interviews with five pairs of designers: Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec; Nipa Doshi and Jonathan Levien; Shane Schneck and Clara von Zweigbergk (who also designed the book); Fien Muller and Hannes Van Severen; and Stine Gam and Enrico Fratesi.

Beautifully illustrated with 600 colour images, HAY also includes an introduction by Kelsey Keith, the editorial director at Herman Miller, and contributions from Lucy Bourton, Duncan Riches, Emily Nathan and Tom Morris.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 20,5×27
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori-b/n: 300
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2022

ISBN: 9781838665647


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