
GOING GREEN with Vertical Landscapes


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di AA.VV.

a cura di Vo Trong Nghia Takashi Niwa

  • Provides current analysis and trends, written by eminent industry professionals
  • Includes projects divided into key themes, such as green façades, outdoor and indoor greenwalls, and roof gardens
  • This book is a trailblazer, introducing the revolutionary concept of vertical greenspace and showcasing the latest designs by an international group of designers and planners
  • Illustrates more than 45 innovative case studies, which cover a range of topics and technical applications, such as current trends, environmental benefits, classification and planting forms, site analysis, design and planning, installation, and maintenance
  • Includes analysis of vertical greenspace’s environmental benefits, as well as tips on classification and planting, design and planning, and installation and maintenance

In the 21st century the architects and designers of urban spaces face great challenges to integrate nature in order to transform ‘cement forests’ into ‘forest cities’. Perhaps the best solution is to go green with vertical landscapes. More than just a decorative trend, this is a means of bringing life and greenery into metropolitan areas by using different framing systems to create compositions of plant life and adapt them to diverse settings, including offices, factories, parking lots, hotels, and installations within larger parks.

Enriched by the reflections of the inventive protagonists of this fertile new aesthetic, Going Green with Vertical Landscapes is organized by theme and canvases early experiments conducted by famous design companies such as Vo Trong Nghia Architects (VTN), Fytogreen Australia and RYUICHI ASHIZAWA ARCHITECTS & associates. All of these projects combine man-made materials, recent technologies, and diverse types of vegetation to conquer the vertical dimension.

CONTENTS: Preface; Guidelines for Green Façades and Roof Gardens; Introduction; Guidelines for Going Green; Case Studies.

> Vo Trong Nghia was born in 1976 in Quang Binh province, Central Vietnam. He moved to Japan in 1996 as a Japanese government scholarship student and started studying architecture. After graduation from Nagoya Institute of Technology in 2002, he joined the University of Tokyo’s Landscape and Civic Design Laboratory under the Department of Civil Engineering. In 2006 he started his firm – Vo Trong Nghia Architects (VTN) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The design approach of his first Wind and Water Café project combined with bamboo treatment and construction brought him global awards and recognition. After years of professional experience in Japan and Malaysia as an architect of Noriaki Okabe Architecture Network, Takashi Niwa, a Japanese architect, joined Vo Trong Nghia Architects (VTN) as a partner in 2010. In that same year, he launched the Hanoi office and become the director. Niwa’s projects have won numerous international prizes and architecture awards.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 23,5×31
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori: 500
Immagini b/n: 100
Lingua: GB 
Anno: 2018

ISBN: 9781864707557

GOING GREEN with Vertical Landscapes


1 disponibili

Prezzo valido solamente per pagamenti tramite BB

di AA.VV.

a cura di Vo Trong Nghia Takashi Niwa

  • Provides current analysis and trends, written by eminent industry professionals
  • Includes projects divided into key themes, such as green façades, outdoor and indoor greenwalls, and roof gardens
  • This book is a trailblazer, introducing the revolutionary concept of vertical greenspace and showcasing the latest designs by an international group of designers and planners
  • Illustrates more than 45 innovative case studies, which cover a range of topics and technical applications, such as current trends, environmental benefits, classification and planting forms, site analysis, design and planning, installation, and maintenance
  • Includes analysis of vertical greenspace’s environmental benefits, as well as tips on classification and planting, design and planning, and installation and maintenance

In the 21st century the architects and designers of urban spaces face great challenges to integrate nature in order to transform ‘cement forests’ into ‘forest cities’. Perhaps the best solution is to go green with vertical landscapes. More than just a decorative trend, this is a means of bringing life and greenery into metropolitan areas by using different framing systems to create compositions of plant life and adapt them to diverse settings, including offices, factories, parking lots, hotels, and installations within larger parks.

Enriched by the reflections of the inventive protagonists of this fertile new aesthetic, Going Green with Vertical Landscapes is organized by theme and canvases early experiments conducted by famous design companies such as Vo Trong Nghia Architects (VTN), Fytogreen Australia and RYUICHI ASHIZAWA ARCHITECTS & associates. All of these projects combine man-made materials, recent technologies, and diverse types of vegetation to conquer the vertical dimension.

CONTENTS: Preface; Guidelines for Green Façades and Roof Gardens; Introduction; Guidelines for Going Green; Case Studies.

> Vo Trong Nghia was born in 1976 in Quang Binh province, Central Vietnam. He moved to Japan in 1996 as a Japanese government scholarship student and started studying architecture. After graduation from Nagoya Institute of Technology in 2002, he joined the University of Tokyo’s Landscape and Civic Design Laboratory under the Department of Civil Engineering. In 2006 he started his firm – Vo Trong Nghia Architects (VTN) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The design approach of his first Wind and Water Café project combined with bamboo treatment and construction brought him global awards and recognition. After years of professional experience in Japan and Malaysia as an architect of Noriaki Okabe Architecture Network, Takashi Niwa, a Japanese architect, joined Vo Trong Nghia Architects (VTN) as a partner in 2010. In that same year, he launched the Hanoi office and become the director. Niwa’s projects have won numerous international prizes and architecture awards.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 23,5×31
Pagine: 240
Immagini a colori: 500
Immagini b/n: 100
Lingua: GB 
Anno: 2018

ISBN: 9781864707557


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