



di Stephen Woodhams

GARDEN DESIGN SOLUTIONS. Ideas for Outdoor Spaces

Award-winning garden designer Stephen Woodhams demonstrates how to make the most of any outside space, whether it is a typical urban garden, exposed roof terrace or shady courtyard. Drawing on his many years of experience designing gardens of all sizes in different climates around the world, Stephen shares his expertise and offers clever design solutions for all types of outdoor spaces in a range of styles.

Illustrated with inspiring photographs, plans and three-dimensional visuals of some of his practice’s most celebrated projects, Stephen gives advice on everything from conceiving a scheme and planning the layout to choosing surfaces, materials and furnishings that will make your garden an extension of your home that can be enjoyed all year. There are ideas for devising planting schemes that will provide colour, texture and scent through the seasons, and advice on how to make your garden environmentally friendly and create points of interest with arches, water features and other structures. There are also many techniques for using scale and proportion to create the illusion of greater volume.

Case studies offer detailed insights into exemplary garden layouts, design choices and planting plans, illustrating cleaver solutions for incorporating all your requirements into your outside space.

> Stephen Woodhams. Design Ltd has been established for 25 years and specializes in the design of urban gardens, roof gardens and country gardens in the UK, Mediterranean and farther afield. The practice’s award-winning gardens are best known for their architectural character and lush, elegant planting that incorporates

an eclectic mix of textures and colours. They first introduced the ‘inside/outside’ concept when designing gardens for the 1995 Chelsea Flower Show and it is still a signature of their creations.

Inspiration is drawn from many diverse sources, including cutting-edge materials, historic gardens from around the world, dramatic landscapes, colours in nature, the play of light, reflections in water and the way plants grow in their native habitat. New or industrial materials are often used in conjunction with traditional planting techniques and sustainability is always a consideration.

The practice has won numerous awards over the years, the latest of which was the Gold Trophy from the RHS for the Best Trade Stand at the Chelsea Flower Show in 2010. Its work has been featured in many publications, including Homes & Gardens, Garden Design Journal, House & Garden, Hello! and You magazine. Stephen Woodhams is the author of four other books on garden design and flowers.


Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 21×27
Pagine: 192
Immagini a colori: 400
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015

ISBN: 9781910254028




di Stephen Woodhams

GARDEN DESIGN SOLUTIONS. Ideas for Outdoor Spaces

Award-winning garden designer Stephen Woodhams demonstrates how to make the most of any outside space, whether it is a typical urban garden, exposed roof terrace or shady courtyard. Drawing on his many years of experience designing gardens of all sizes in different climates around the world, Stephen shares his expertise and offers clever design solutions for all types of outdoor spaces in a range of styles.

Illustrated with inspiring photographs, plans and three-dimensional visuals of some of his practice’s most celebrated projects, Stephen gives advice on everything from conceiving a scheme and planning the layout to choosing surfaces, materials and furnishings that will make your garden an extension of your home that can be enjoyed all year. There are ideas for devising planting schemes that will provide colour, texture and scent through the seasons, and advice on how to make your garden environmentally friendly and create points of interest with arches, water features and other structures. There are also many techniques for using scale and proportion to create the illusion of greater volume.

Case studies offer detailed insights into exemplary garden layouts, design choices and planting plans, illustrating cleaver solutions for incorporating all your requirements into your outside space.

> Stephen Woodhams. Design Ltd has been established for 25 years and specializes in the design of urban gardens, roof gardens and country gardens in the UK, Mediterranean and farther afield. The practice’s award-winning gardens are best known for their architectural character and lush, elegant planting that incorporates

an eclectic mix of textures and colours. They first introduced the ‘inside/outside’ concept when designing gardens for the 1995 Chelsea Flower Show and it is still a signature of their creations.

Inspiration is drawn from many diverse sources, including cutting-edge materials, historic gardens from around the world, dramatic landscapes, colours in nature, the play of light, reflections in water and the way plants grow in their native habitat. New or industrial materials are often used in conjunction with traditional planting techniques and sustainability is always a consideration.

The practice has won numerous awards over the years, the latest of which was the Gold Trophy from the RHS for the Best Trade Stand at the Chelsea Flower Show in 2010. Its work has been featured in many publications, including Homes & Gardens, Garden Design Journal, House & Garden, Hello! and You magazine. Stephen Woodhams is the author of four other books on garden design and flowers.


Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 21×27
Pagine: 192
Immagini a colori: 400
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015

ISBN: 9781910254028


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