


1 disponibili

  • The star photographer is back: the exclusive collaboration between David Drebin and teNeues has a long tradition and is going into the next round
  • New story, familiar style: the illustrated book offers a new, exciting perspective on Drebin’s work, but at the same time shows his unmistakable and unique style
  • A picture book of superlatives: the XXL format ensures maximum impact of the images, which offer exceptional storytelling


A picture should tell a story. It should open doors to a mysterious journey of thought by letting its viewers forget the world around them for a brief moment. David Drebin is known for infusing his photographic masterpieces with compelling narratives. Although each of his works is marked by creative uniqueness, his signature style puts a distinct stamp under each image – a romantic melancholy with a hint of eroticism that elegantly invites you into an exciting fantasy. In his new illustrated book Flirting With Danger, the renowned star photographer now presents particularly sensational moments of this theme.

David Drebin creates a dream world in a cinematographic way, which, thanks to his hyper-realistic style, seems so lifelike that the viewer feels part of the scenery. Perhaps it is this twist that makes his artworks so suspenseful, or perhaps it is the way he skilfully stages his protagonists. Each of his pictures leaves the impression of its own dramaturgy, which only stimulates the mental cinema. What will happen next? What happened before?

The artist’s new coffee-table book is now dedicated to the fascinating attraction of the forbidden and the dangerous. Intense snapshots show approaches to the exciting sides of life. The result is a book in a class of its own. In an extra-large format, the artist’s pictures can achieve maximum effect and thus skilfully bring the emotions of the viewers to their peak.

> Look INSIDE/Issuu

In a unique manner, David Drebin’s work combines voyeuristic and psychological viewpoints. He offers the viewer a dramatic insight into emotions and experiences which many of us have doubtlessly felt at some point of our lives. After graduating from Parsons School of Design in New York City in 1996, David Drebin rapidly made a name for himself as an internationally renowned photographer creating images of movie stars, sports personalities and various entertainers and subsequently was commissioned for countless high profile advertising campaigns around the world. David Drebin is a multidisciplinary artist working in various art forms producing limited edition works including photographs, lightboxes, neon light installations, sculptures and etchings on glass. In 2005, Drebin had his first solo exhibition at CAMERA WORK in Berlin. This was followed by his first comprehensive illustrated book entitled Love and Other Stories in 2007 and this zeitgeist moment was followed by a stream of worldwide representation by some of the finest galleries globally.

David Drebin has exclusively released many books with teNeues Publishing including The Morning After, Beautiful Disasters, Chasing Paradise, Dreamscapes, Love and Lights, and Before They Were Famous. The limited and oversized monograph David Drebin, Collectors Edition is the seventh book published by teNeues.



1 disponibili

  • The star photographer is back: the exclusive collaboration between David Drebin and teNeues has a long tradition and is going into the next round
  • New story, familiar style: the illustrated book offers a new, exciting perspective on Drebin’s work, but at the same time shows his unmistakable and unique style
  • A picture book of superlatives: the XXL format ensures maximum impact of the images, which offer exceptional storytelling


A picture should tell a story. It should open doors to a mysterious journey of thought by letting its viewers forget the world around them for a brief moment. David Drebin is known for infusing his photographic masterpieces with compelling narratives. Although each of his works is marked by creative uniqueness, his signature style puts a distinct stamp under each image – a romantic melancholy with a hint of eroticism that elegantly invites you into an exciting fantasy. In his new illustrated book Flirting With Danger, the renowned star photographer now presents particularly sensational moments of this theme.

David Drebin creates a dream world in a cinematographic way, which, thanks to his hyper-realistic style, seems so lifelike that the viewer feels part of the scenery. Perhaps it is this twist that makes his artworks so suspenseful, or perhaps it is the way he skilfully stages his protagonists. Each of his pictures leaves the impression of its own dramaturgy, which only stimulates the mental cinema. What will happen next? What happened before?

The artist’s new coffee-table book is now dedicated to the fascinating attraction of the forbidden and the dangerous. Intense snapshots show approaches to the exciting sides of life. The result is a book in a class of its own. In an extra-large format, the artist’s pictures can achieve maximum effect and thus skilfully bring the emotions of the viewers to their peak.

> Look INSIDE/Issuu

In a unique manner, David Drebin’s work combines voyeuristic and psychological viewpoints. He offers the viewer a dramatic insight into emotions and experiences which many of us have doubtlessly felt at some point of our lives. After graduating from Parsons School of Design in New York City in 1996, David Drebin rapidly made a name for himself as an internationally renowned photographer creating images of movie stars, sports personalities and various entertainers and subsequently was commissioned for countless high profile advertising campaigns around the world. David Drebin is a multidisciplinary artist working in various art forms producing limited edition works including photographs, lightboxes, neon light installations, sculptures and etchings on glass. In 2005, Drebin had his first solo exhibition at CAMERA WORK in Berlin. This was followed by his first comprehensive illustrated book entitled Love and Other Stories in 2007 and this zeitgeist moment was followed by a stream of worldwide representation by some of the finest galleries globally.

David Drebin has exclusively released many books with teNeues Publishing including The Morning After, Beautiful Disasters, Chasing Paradise, Dreamscapes, Love and Lights, and Before They Were Famous. The limited and oversized monograph David Drebin, Collectors Edition is the seventh book published by teNeues.


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