En Blanco magazine dedicates its 35th issue to an in-depth analysis of the trajectory of the Brazilian architecture firm UNA MUNIZVIEGAS, founded in 1996 by Cristiane Muniz and Fernando Viégas in São Paulo.
UNA MUNIZVIEGAS has developed a consolidated career with projects of different scales, from institutional and cultural buildings to single-family houses and urban plans. His architecture reflects the complex Brazilian reality, with its social and economic contrasts, and seeks to reflect the country’s identity and cultural memory. Their education was influenced by masters such as Vilanova Artigas and Paulo Mendes da Rocha.
Their commitment to public space and the right to the city stands out. This facet is embodied in projects that seek to create new urban voids, rehabilitate historic buildings and recover degraded areas of Brazilian cities. They defend an architecture at the service of society, which builds meeting places and fosters community life.
They develop their own language that virtuously combines strong materials such as reinforced concrete, stone or brick, with light metallic structures. They play with contrasts and textures between heavy and light. Concrete is present in the enclosures, while the metallic carpentry provides lightness. They achieve a balanced synthesis between the robustness of Brazilian construction and the elegance of more ethereal details.
The materiality dialogues with the pre-existences of the place and with the cultural memory. They intervene with precise surgery, altering the indispensable minimum. Their projects reveal a wise expressive economy, refining each element to its essence.
Through a selection of their most emblematic projects, realized between 2001 and 2023, issue 35 of En Blanco analyzes in depth the trajectory of UNA MUNIZVIEGAS and their contribution to contemporary Brazilian architecture.
En Blanco magazine dedicates its 35th issue to an in-depth analysis of the trajectory of the Brazilian architecture firm UNA MUNIZVIEGAS, founded in 1996 by Cristiane Muniz and Fernando Viégas in São Paulo.
UNA MUNIZVIEGAS has developed a consolidated career with projects of different scales, from institutional and cultural buildings to single-family houses and urban plans. His architecture reflects the complex Brazilian reality, with its social and economic contrasts, and seeks to reflect the country’s identity and cultural memory. Their education was influenced by masters such as Vilanova Artigas and Paulo Mendes da Rocha.
Their commitment to public space and the right to the city stands out. This facet is embodied in projects that seek to create new urban voids, rehabilitate historic buildings and recover degraded areas of Brazilian cities. They defend an architecture at the service of society, which builds meeting places and fosters community life.
They develop their own language that virtuously combines strong materials such as reinforced concrete, stone or brick, with light metallic structures. They play with contrasts and textures between heavy and light. Concrete is present in the enclosures, while the metallic carpentry provides lightness. They achieve a balanced synthesis between the robustness of Brazilian construction and the elegance of more ethereal details.
The materiality dialogues with the pre-existences of the place and with the cultural memory. They intervene with precise surgery, altering the indispensable minimum. Their projects reveal a wise expressive economy, refining each element to its essence.
Through a selection of their most emblematic projects, realized between 2001 and 2023, issue 35 of En Blanco analyzes in depth the trajectory of UNA MUNIZVIEGAS and their contribution to contemporary Brazilian architecture.
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