a cura di Yorck Förster – Christina Gräwe – Peter Cachola Schmal
For almost forty years now, the German Architecture Annual, is- sued by the Deutsches Architekturmuseum of Frankfurt am Main (DAM), has published crucial information about ongoing con- struction projects in Germany. In a review by well-known authors, the German Architecture Annual presents a shortlist of twenty German buildings, determined by the jury for the 2017 DAM Preis for Architecture in Germany. The museum’s curators, as well as renowned architects and architectural critics, have an overview of one hundred nominations for the year. In the 2017 edition, in ad- dition to the special appreciation for the winner of the DAM Preis for Architecture in Germany, a finer selection of finalists is be- ing portrayed for the first time. A separate chapter is devoted to buildings by German architects abroad, in which three buildings are presented. The essays deal with the urgent topic regarding the future of housing construction, as well as Germany being represented abroad through educational and cultural buildings.
> Yorck Förster, born in 1964, curator and publicist. Studied philosophy, sociology and art education at the University of Frankfurt am Main. Numerous lectures, pub- lications and exhibitions, among others: Peter Kulka – Minimalism and Sensuality (2005), Psychodynamic Space Structures (2012), COOP HIMMELB(L)AU (2015) and Between the Sun and the Moon. Studio Mumbai (2016). Partner of the Förster Gräwe Winkelmann curator workshop.
> Christina Gräwe, born in 1965, studied architecture at the TU Berlin. From 2003 volunteer and curator at the DAM with numerous exhibitions, among others. Martin Elsaesser and the New Frankfurt (2009). Since 2007 freelance curator and publi- cist. Lecturer at the Institute of Building History at the TU Berlin. Further exhibitions: Modernisierung der Platte (2009/10), Stadtvisionen 1910/2010 (Architekturmuseum, TU Berlin). From 2012 to 2014, editor at Baunetz, since 2014 at the magazine com- petition. Partner of the Förster Gräwe Winkelmann curator workshop.
> Peter Cachola Schmal, born in 1960, studied architecture at the TU Darmstadt. He worked at Behnisch + Partner in Stuttgart and Eisenbach + Partner in Zeppelinheim. From 1992 to 1997, research assistant at the TU Darmstadt. From 1997 to 2000 Design lecturer at the FH Frankfurt. From 2000 curator, since 2006 director of the DAM. German General Commissioner of the VII International Architecture Biennial São Paulo (2007), German General Commissioner of the 15th Architecture Biennial in Venice (2016).
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 22×28
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori-b/n: 330
Lingua: D-GB
Anno: 2017
ISBN: 9783869225166
a cura di Yorck Förster – Christina Gräwe – Peter Cachola Schmal
For almost forty years now, the German Architecture Annual, is- sued by the Deutsches Architekturmuseum of Frankfurt am Main (DAM), has published crucial information about ongoing con- struction projects in Germany. In a review by well-known authors, the German Architecture Annual presents a shortlist of twenty German buildings, determined by the jury for the 2017 DAM Preis for Architecture in Germany. The museum’s curators, as well as renowned architects and architectural critics, have an overview of one hundred nominations for the year. In the 2017 edition, in ad- dition to the special appreciation for the winner of the DAM Preis for Architecture in Germany, a finer selection of finalists is be- ing portrayed for the first time. A separate chapter is devoted to buildings by German architects abroad, in which three buildings are presented. The essays deal with the urgent topic regarding the future of housing construction, as well as Germany being represented abroad through educational and cultural buildings.
> Yorck Förster, born in 1964, curator and publicist. Studied philosophy, sociology and art education at the University of Frankfurt am Main. Numerous lectures, pub- lications and exhibitions, among others: Peter Kulka – Minimalism and Sensuality (2005), Psychodynamic Space Structures (2012), COOP HIMMELB(L)AU (2015) and Between the Sun and the Moon. Studio Mumbai (2016). Partner of the Förster Gräwe Winkelmann curator workshop.
> Christina Gräwe, born in 1965, studied architecture at the TU Berlin. From 2003 volunteer and curator at the DAM with numerous exhibitions, among others. Martin Elsaesser and the New Frankfurt (2009). Since 2007 freelance curator and publi- cist. Lecturer at the Institute of Building History at the TU Berlin. Further exhibitions: Modernisierung der Platte (2009/10), Stadtvisionen 1910/2010 (Architekturmuseum, TU Berlin). From 2012 to 2014, editor at Baunetz, since 2014 at the magazine com- petition. Partner of the Förster Gräwe Winkelmann curator workshop.
> Peter Cachola Schmal, born in 1960, studied architecture at the TU Darmstadt. He worked at Behnisch + Partner in Stuttgart and Eisenbach + Partner in Zeppelinheim. From 1992 to 1997, research assistant at the TU Darmstadt. From 1997 to 2000 Design lecturer at the FH Frankfurt. From 2000 curator, since 2006 director of the DAM. German General Commissioner of the VII International Architecture Biennial São Paulo (2007), German General Commissioner of the 15th Architecture Biennial in Venice (2016).
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 22×28
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori-b/n: 330
Lingua: D-GB
Anno: 2017
ISBN: 9783869225166
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