In Offerta

CONFESSIONS. Eroticism In Media

Il prezzo originale era: 45,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 40,00 €.

1 disponibili

di Mike Koedinger
a cura di Nico Magazine

CONFESSIONS. Eroticism In Media

Current independent erotic Magazines that are succeeding despite the Ubiquity of Internet Porn

Although Internet porn is just a few clicks away, independent print publications devoted to erotica are currently thriving. While porn became digital, more anonymous, and even faster to get, recent examples of printed erotica became more individual, more distinct, and more elaborately presented. The current edition of Nico, “Confessions: Eroticism in Media,” takes a compelling look at the recent boom of smaller, independent erotic publications. 

Confessions: Eroticism in Media” introduces ten groundbreaking publications from around the world that are creating a contemporary visual language for erotic content. The issue also features telling conversations with their makers, all of whom are using the haptic qualities of a printed magazine and the power of well-made images to address more distinct erotic preferences. Some of the included interviews are so personal and refreshingly honest that they feel like pages ripped out of a personal diary, while others focus on the commercial and anthropological challenges that come with creating an independent publication. Readers can learn, for example, about how the makers of Butt, Gert Jonkers and Jop van Bennekom, created a movement and then went on to craft two of today’s most relevant fashion publications; while Thomas Lenthal, Paris’s man of the hour, used his connections in the international fashion world to forge a visually powerful erotic bible called Paradis. From the other side of the Atlantic, Danielle Leder explains why she chose to breathe new life into Jacques to continue to celebrate America’s girl-next-door. 

Confessions: Eroticism in Media” also includes a candid feature on the historic evolution of erotic magazines from their inception to today by prominent magazine expert Samir A. Husni, the founder and director of the Magazine Innovation Center at the University of Mississippi’s Meek School of Journalism and New Media, who is known internationally as Mr. Magazine™. 

In addition to giving voice to those who showcase erotic images in their publications, “Confessions: Eroticism in Media” provides a curated platform of 100 pages for ten photographers, illustrators, and artists who share their intimate thoughts on the intricacies of their work. Readers are, for example, taken behind the scenes of Jules Julien’s erotic illustrations for the cult music magazine les Inrocks, Justin Morin’s juxtaposition of vintage erotic images, and the work of artist Malika Favre, who garnered much attention for the erotic alphabet she developed for the cover of Penguin’s recent re-release of the Kama Sutra. Last but not least the reader will be stimulated by the work of some truly talented photographers with radically different perspectives—from Autumn Sonnichsen, whose images are nothing short of an unabashed celebration of the female body, to Hanna Putz, whose relevant discourse has landed her in the Hyères Fashion & Photography Festival 2012. 

Featured magazines: Butt, Edwarda, Girls Like Us, Irène, Jacques, Jungsheft/Giddyheft, L’imparfaite, Pantyhose, Paradis and S Magazine. 

Featured creatives: Bernard Bertrand, Phaedra Brody, Hannes Caspar, Malika Favre, Yulia Gorodinski, Jules Julien, Justin Morin, Hanna Putz, Autumn Sonnichsen and Edwin Tse.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 23×28
Pagine: 226
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2012

ISBN: 9783899554380

In Offerta

CONFESSIONS. Eroticism In Media

Il prezzo originale era: 45,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 40,00 €.

1 disponibili

di Mike Koedinger
a cura di Nico Magazine

CONFESSIONS. Eroticism In Media

Current independent erotic Magazines that are succeeding despite the Ubiquity of Internet Porn

Although Internet porn is just a few clicks away, independent print publications devoted to erotica are currently thriving. While porn became digital, more anonymous, and even faster to get, recent examples of printed erotica became more individual, more distinct, and more elaborately presented. The current edition of Nico, “Confessions: Eroticism in Media,” takes a compelling look at the recent boom of smaller, independent erotic publications. 

Confessions: Eroticism in Media” introduces ten groundbreaking publications from around the world that are creating a contemporary visual language for erotic content. The issue also features telling conversations with their makers, all of whom are using the haptic qualities of a printed magazine and the power of well-made images to address more distinct erotic preferences. Some of the included interviews are so personal and refreshingly honest that they feel like pages ripped out of a personal diary, while others focus on the commercial and anthropological challenges that come with creating an independent publication. Readers can learn, for example, about how the makers of Butt, Gert Jonkers and Jop van Bennekom, created a movement and then went on to craft two of today’s most relevant fashion publications; while Thomas Lenthal, Paris’s man of the hour, used his connections in the international fashion world to forge a visually powerful erotic bible called Paradis. From the other side of the Atlantic, Danielle Leder explains why she chose to breathe new life into Jacques to continue to celebrate America’s girl-next-door. 

Confessions: Eroticism in Media” also includes a candid feature on the historic evolution of erotic magazines from their inception to today by prominent magazine expert Samir A. Husni, the founder and director of the Magazine Innovation Center at the University of Mississippi’s Meek School of Journalism and New Media, who is known internationally as Mr. Magazine™. 

In addition to giving voice to those who showcase erotic images in their publications, “Confessions: Eroticism in Media” provides a curated platform of 100 pages for ten photographers, illustrators, and artists who share their intimate thoughts on the intricacies of their work. Readers are, for example, taken behind the scenes of Jules Julien’s erotic illustrations for the cult music magazine les Inrocks, Justin Morin’s juxtaposition of vintage erotic images, and the work of artist Malika Favre, who garnered much attention for the erotic alphabet she developed for the cover of Penguin’s recent re-release of the Kama Sutra. Last but not least the reader will be stimulated by the work of some truly talented photographers with radically different perspectives—from Autumn Sonnichsen, whose images are nothing short of an unabashed celebration of the female body, to Hanna Putz, whose relevant discourse has landed her in the Hyères Fashion & Photography Festival 2012. 

Featured magazines: Butt, Edwarda, Girls Like Us, Irène, Jacques, Jungsheft/Giddyheft, L’imparfaite, Pantyhose, Paradis and S Magazine. 

Featured creatives: Bernard Bertrand, Phaedra Brody, Hannes Caspar, Malika Favre, Yulia Gorodinski, Jules Julien, Justin Morin, Hanna Putz, Autumn Sonnichsen and Edwin Tse.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 23×28
Pagine: 226
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2012

ISBN: 9783899554380


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