Home Inspirations by teNeues goes into the next round – and has never been more relevant. After all, when the world around us is in shambles, a home with a feel-good vibe is essential. For some, a pared-down aesthetic that exudes a pleasant homeliness may be the right path to well-deserved ease; for others, a cheerful riot of colour is a fitting counterpart to the monochromatic daily grind. Two very different approaches that nevertheless pursue the same goal: to conjure up a real retreat from a simple living space.
The power of colours and their influence on our psychological well-being has long been no secret. What fashion is currently demonstrating with the dopamine dressing trend is now being continued in interior design. True to the motto Good-Vibes-Only, colourful good-mood boosters are being used as eye-catchers, individual accents or even in an all-over look. As proven mood lifters, the polarizing color elements represent optimism and a joie de vivre.
In the usual teNeues quality with a high-quality layout, large-format images and exciting content, the new illustrated books in the freshly launched series now skilfully set the scene for two further interior trends, elegantly acting as decorative eye-catching pieces themselves. A practical index, which offers support in the search for brands and manufacturers, as well as fascinating rooms for re-styling make the books true inspirational treasures for every interior enthusiast.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 19,5×24
Pagine: 192
Immagini a colori: 120
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB-D
Anno: 2023
ISBN: 9783961714506
Claire Bingham is an interior design journalist and author who has been discovering, writing about and photographing fantastic homes for almost 20 years. Previously, she was home decor editor at Elle Decoration. She writes about interiors, travel, perfume and food for publications around the world, including The Observer and Telegraphmagazines, Architectural Digest and House & Garden. She is also the author of numerous books. More is More was her 11 book, with teNeues Publishing. It followed A Scented World, which was published in 2019. The inspirational books Patterns and Modern Glam for which she wrote the forewords will be published in autumn 2022.
Home Inspirations by teNeues goes into the next round – and has never been more relevant. After all, when the world around us is in shambles, a home with a feel-good vibe is essential. For some, a pared-down aesthetic that exudes a pleasant homeliness may be the right path to well-deserved ease; for others, a cheerful riot of colour is a fitting counterpart to the monochromatic daily grind. Two very different approaches that nevertheless pursue the same goal: to conjure up a real retreat from a simple living space.
The power of colours and their influence on our psychological well-being has long been no secret. What fashion is currently demonstrating with the dopamine dressing trend is now being continued in interior design. True to the motto Good-Vibes-Only, colourful good-mood boosters are being used as eye-catchers, individual accents or even in an all-over look. As proven mood lifters, the polarizing color elements represent optimism and a joie de vivre.
In the usual teNeues quality with a high-quality layout, large-format images and exciting content, the new illustrated books in the freshly launched series now skilfully set the scene for two further interior trends, elegantly acting as decorative eye-catching pieces themselves. A practical index, which offers support in the search for brands and manufacturers, as well as fascinating rooms for re-styling make the books true inspirational treasures for every interior enthusiast.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 19,5×24
Pagine: 192
Immagini a colori: 120
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB-D
Anno: 2023
ISBN: 9783961714506
Claire Bingham is an interior design journalist and author who has been discovering, writing about and photographing fantastic homes for almost 20 years. Previously, she was home decor editor at Elle Decoration. She writes about interiors, travel, perfume and food for publications around the world, including The Observer and Telegraphmagazines, Architectural Digest and House & Garden. She is also the author of numerous books. More is More was her 11 book, with teNeues Publishing. It followed A Scented World, which was published in 2019. The inspirational books Patterns and Modern Glam for which she wrote the forewords will be published in autumn 2022.
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