di Gianluca Frediani
The contiguity between the work of the architect and that of the sculptor is the most original feature of the Possagna museum which houses a surprising cross-section of Italian art and architecture between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Although conceived, at least in its initial intentions, as a frame to commemorate the second centenary of Antonio Canova’s birth, the Scarpa extension of the Canovian plaster casts gallery in Possagno, a “grandiose even if very small” building, built between January and September 1957, immediately revealed as one of the most sensitive post-war museographic interventions, affirming its own artistic autonomy.
In Possagno Scarpa manages to reach a very high point in his production, developing that refined system of poetic interaction between figures, surfaces and materials that will become, in the following years, a distinctive feature of his architecture.
In this locus felix, the Venetian architect delicately welcomes the elegant fragility of Canova’s figures, for which he does not limit himself to designing well-calibrated exhibition rooms but defines an intimate and ideal space at the same time, almost drawing it as a painter would do on canvas. and building a tailor-made scenography.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 30×24
Pagine: 1244
Immagini a colori-b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2022
ISBN: 9788892822474
Photographs of Alessandra Chemollo / Translation of Steve Piccolo
di Gianluca Frediani
The contiguity between the work of the architect and that of the sculptor is the most original feature of the Possagna museum which houses a surprising cross-section of Italian art and architecture between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Although conceived, at least in its initial intentions, as a frame to commemorate the second centenary of Antonio Canova’s birth, the Scarpa extension of the Canovian plaster casts gallery in Possagno, a “grandiose even if very small” building, built between January and September 1957, immediately revealed as one of the most sensitive post-war museographic interventions, affirming its own artistic autonomy.
In Possagno Scarpa manages to reach a very high point in his production, developing that refined system of poetic interaction between figures, surfaces and materials that will become, in the following years, a distinctive feature of his architecture.
In this locus felix, the Venetian architect delicately welcomes the elegant fragility of Canova’s figures, for which he does not limit himself to designing well-calibrated exhibition rooms but defines an intimate and ideal space at the same time, almost drawing it as a painter would do on canvas. and building a tailor-made scenography.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 30×24
Pagine: 1244
Immagini a colori-b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2022
ISBN: 9788892822474
Photographs of Alessandra Chemollo / Translation of Steve Piccolo
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