
CABANA Magazine


The trend-setting magazine’s excellent celebration of cutting-edge decoration and architecture showing the breadth of design approaches in the United States from today and the past.

To celebrate its tenth anniversary, Cabana magazine––a biannual interior-design and decorative-arts publication––explores the innovative interiors and architecture of the United States. Cabana Americana travels across the country in search of places that illustrate the historic, trailblazing, and stylish rooms the magazine has extolled since its inception. From Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello in Virginia to the Chelsea Hotel in New York and Ralph Lauren’s ranch in Colorado, this book captures the diverse aesthetics of the country—whether they be traditional, glamorous, rustic, or bohemian.

Most of the interiors were created by design innovators—from past or present—who have helped establish the United States as a land of the freethinker, open to broad stylistic approaches and the expansive native landscape. Examples include the de Menil house in Houston, a cross section of the modern architecture of Philip Johnson and the richly layered interiors of couturier Charles James; and Vidal Sassoon’s modernist masterpiece by Richard Neutra in the hills of Bel Air. Artists have always created innovative residences and studios, as illustrated in this volume through the spaces of Julian Schnabel, N. C. Wyeth, Tony Lewis, and Peter Shire. The broad spectrum of interiors—documented by such innovative photographers as Miguel Flores Vianna, Brett Wood, Ari Kellerman, and others—includes some previously published gems in addition to a quantity of newly commissioned works.

CABANA Magazine


The trend-setting magazine’s excellent celebration of cutting-edge decoration and architecture showing the breadth of design approaches in the United States from today and the past.

To celebrate its tenth anniversary, Cabana magazine––a biannual interior-design and decorative-arts publication––explores the innovative interiors and architecture of the United States. Cabana Americana travels across the country in search of places that illustrate the historic, trailblazing, and stylish rooms the magazine has extolled since its inception. From Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello in Virginia to the Chelsea Hotel in New York and Ralph Lauren’s ranch in Colorado, this book captures the diverse aesthetics of the country—whether they be traditional, glamorous, rustic, or bohemian.

Most of the interiors were created by design innovators—from past or present—who have helped establish the United States as a land of the freethinker, open to broad stylistic approaches and the expansive native landscape. Examples include the de Menil house in Houston, a cross section of the modern architecture of Philip Johnson and the richly layered interiors of couturier Charles James; and Vidal Sassoon’s modernist masterpiece by Richard Neutra in the hills of Bel Air. Artists have always created innovative residences and studios, as illustrated in this volume through the spaces of Julian Schnabel, N. C. Wyeth, Tony Lewis, and Peter Shire. The broad spectrum of interiors—documented by such innovative photographers as Miguel Flores Vianna, Brett Wood, Ari Kellerman, and others—includes some previously published gems in addition to a quantity of newly commissioned works.


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