The transformation and reuse of old buildings is by no means only a kind of renovation in the simple sense, but it’s about adjusting a certain site to accommodate new functions. The key is to find the proper use for the building’s architectural heritage. This book provides an in-depth analysis of a selection of thirty building types: looking closely at the property’s background, the transformation of the motivation, the transformation strategy, as well as the problems encountered in the transformation.
The pages within are filled with practical insights, including information on the latest features of contemporary renovations and adaptations of older buildings (some up to 300 years old), including some previous designs by revered practitioners, such as Antoni Gaudí and Zaha Hadid. Internationally renowned architects discuss in detail about key problems they’ve encountered when renovating an old building or conducting an urban renewal project, and provide readers with helpful outlines of a range of projects, what to look out for, and useful, practical approaches in each scenario.
Contents: Introduction; Strategy One Architecture as Furniture; Strategy Two Renovation and insertion; Strategy Three Structural Modification; Strategy Four External Juxtaposition; Strategy Five Reconstruction and expansion; Index.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 21,5×28,5
Pagine: 288
Immagini a colori: 400
Immagini b/n: 100
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2019
ISBN: 9781864708257
Introductory texts by Michael Low and Stella Stella Papanicolaou
Michael Louw is the director of CMAI Architects and senior lecturer at the University of Cape Town’s School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics. His research interests include architectural history and temporality, technology, craft, and design-build practices. Michael co-convenes a design-research studio in the Architectural Master’s and Honors programs called Adapt!, which focuses on adaptive reuse. Stella Papanicolaou is senior lecturer of the School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics at the University of Cape Town. She teaches History and Theory of Architecture to undergraduate students and co-convenes the Adapt! Design Research Studio in the BAS Honours and MArch (Prof) programmes with Michael Louw.
The transformation and reuse of old buildings is by no means only a kind of renovation in the simple sense, but it’s about adjusting a certain site to accommodate new functions. The key is to find the proper use for the building’s architectural heritage. This book provides an in-depth analysis of a selection of thirty building types: looking closely at the property’s background, the transformation of the motivation, the transformation strategy, as well as the problems encountered in the transformation.
The pages within are filled with practical insights, including information on the latest features of contemporary renovations and adaptations of older buildings (some up to 300 years old), including some previous designs by revered practitioners, such as Antoni Gaudí and Zaha Hadid. Internationally renowned architects discuss in detail about key problems they’ve encountered when renovating an old building or conducting an urban renewal project, and provide readers with helpful outlines of a range of projects, what to look out for, and useful, practical approaches in each scenario.
Contents: Introduction; Strategy One Architecture as Furniture; Strategy Two Renovation and insertion; Strategy Three Structural Modification; Strategy Four External Juxtaposition; Strategy Five Reconstruction and expansion; Index.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 21,5×28,5
Pagine: 288
Immagini a colori: 400
Immagini b/n: 100
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2019
ISBN: 9781864708257
Introductory texts by Michael Low and Stella Stella Papanicolaou
Michael Louw is the director of CMAI Architects and senior lecturer at the University of Cape Town’s School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics. His research interests include architectural history and temporality, technology, craft, and design-build practices. Michael co-convenes a design-research studio in the Architectural Master’s and Honors programs called Adapt!, which focuses on adaptive reuse. Stella Papanicolaou is senior lecturer of the School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics at the University of Cape Town. She teaches History and Theory of Architecture to undergraduate students and co-convenes the Adapt! Design Research Studio in the BAS Honours and MArch (Prof) programmes with Michael Louw.
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