di John G. Hanhardt
a cura di Kira Perov
The first comprehensively illustrated monograph on the work of Bill Viola, one of the most original and poetic artists of his generation: a rare and fascinating account of one of contemporary art’s most powerful creative minds
Bill Viola began experimenting with video art in the early 1970s; today, he is considered one of the foremost proponents of the medium, captivating audiences around the world with his profound and beautifully wrought explorations of the human condition.
Bill Viola is the first monograph to chart the artist’s career in full, from his education in Syracuse, New York, to the inauguration in 2014 of Martyrs (Earth, Air, Fire, Water), a work specially commissioned for St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. John G. Hanhardt outlines the key visual, literary, and spiritual influences on Viola’s work, together with his changing approach to the moving image in response to advances in technology.
Woven into the discussion are numerous illustrations of Viola’s most significant works, including Information (1973), The Greeting (1995) and Going Forth By Day (2002), as well as reproductions of his sketches and notebook entries, which bring his working methods to life.
> John G. Hanhardt is a consulting senior curator of film and media arts at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC. Prior to this, he was curator and head of the film and video department at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, for more than twenty years, and senior curator at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, for more than a decade. Among his many exhibition credits are “Andy Warhol’s Video & Television” (1991), “Bill Viola: Going Forth By Day” (2002), and “Nam June Paik: Global Visionary” (2012). He is the editor of the influential anthology Video Culture: A Critical Investigation (1986), and is currently preparing an edition of Nam June Paik’s collected writings and the second volume of the Andy Warhol film catalogue raisonné.
> Kira Perov is executive director of Bill Viola Studio. She has worked closely with Bill Viola—her husband and partner—since the late 1970s, managing, creatively advising on, and assisting with the production of his videotapes and installations, as well as documenting the process in photographs. She also curates and coordinates exhibitions of his work worldwide, and oversees the publication of all his exhibition catalogues. Her previous books include, as editor and coeditor respectively, the catalogues for “Bill Viola: Visioni Interiori” (Palazzo dell Esposizioni, Rome, 2008) and “Bill Viola” (Grand Palais, Paris, 2014).
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 26×28,5
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori-b/n: 400
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015
ISBN: 9780500093924
di John G. Hanhardt
a cura di Kira Perov
The first comprehensively illustrated monograph on the work of Bill Viola, one of the most original and poetic artists of his generation: a rare and fascinating account of one of contemporary art’s most powerful creative minds
Bill Viola began experimenting with video art in the early 1970s; today, he is considered one of the foremost proponents of the medium, captivating audiences around the world with his profound and beautifully wrought explorations of the human condition.
Bill Viola is the first monograph to chart the artist’s career in full, from his education in Syracuse, New York, to the inauguration in 2014 of Martyrs (Earth, Air, Fire, Water), a work specially commissioned for St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. John G. Hanhardt outlines the key visual, literary, and spiritual influences on Viola’s work, together with his changing approach to the moving image in response to advances in technology.
Woven into the discussion are numerous illustrations of Viola’s most significant works, including Information (1973), The Greeting (1995) and Going Forth By Day (2002), as well as reproductions of his sketches and notebook entries, which bring his working methods to life.
> John G. Hanhardt is a consulting senior curator of film and media arts at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC. Prior to this, he was curator and head of the film and video department at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, for more than twenty years, and senior curator at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, for more than a decade. Among his many exhibition credits are “Andy Warhol’s Video & Television” (1991), “Bill Viola: Going Forth By Day” (2002), and “Nam June Paik: Global Visionary” (2012). He is the editor of the influential anthology Video Culture: A Critical Investigation (1986), and is currently preparing an edition of Nam June Paik’s collected writings and the second volume of the Andy Warhol film catalogue raisonné.
> Kira Perov is executive director of Bill Viola Studio. She has worked closely with Bill Viola—her husband and partner—since the late 1970s, managing, creatively advising on, and assisting with the production of his videotapes and installations, as well as documenting the process in photographs. She also curates and coordinates exhibitions of his work worldwide, and oversees the publication of all his exhibition catalogues. Her previous books include, as editor and coeditor respectively, the catalogues for “Bill Viola: Visioni Interiori” (Palazzo dell Esposizioni, Rome, 2008) and “Bill Viola” (Grand Palais, Paris, 2014).
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 26×28,5
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori-b/n: 400
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015
ISBN: 9780500093924
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