In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 55,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 52,00 €.

a cura di Gestalten & Karl Molvar

BE WELL. New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well

A Showcase of 21st century Wellness, from the Protagonists linking ancient Treatments with contemporary Innovations to the Spaces in which they Practice

Be Well delves into one of life’s greatest pleasures; a day spent rejuvenating the body and nourishing the spirit. Humans have practiced self-care for centuries—in the sweat lodges of the American Southwest, Roman baths, the hammams of the Ottoman Empire, Japanese onsens, and Finnish saunas.

Today, a new interest in self-care is redefining how we accomplish wellness, and there have never been more options. In our increasingly switched-on lives, a growing industry of highly choreographed experiences is geared to help us switch off. Be Well is a journey around the world’s most extraordinary spaces for achieving this, looking at the innovative practices they offer and how to carry them into everyday life.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 21×26
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2020

ISBN: 9783899559958

Kari Molvar is a writer and editor focusing on wellness as seen through the lens of design, culture, and style. She is an online contributor to T: The New York Times Style Magazine and the founder of Rutine Matters. Her work appears in Vogue and The Wall Street Journal, among other titles.

In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 55,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 52,00 €.

a cura di Gestalten & Karl Molvar

BE WELL. New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well

A Showcase of 21st century Wellness, from the Protagonists linking ancient Treatments with contemporary Innovations to the Spaces in which they Practice

Be Well delves into one of life’s greatest pleasures; a day spent rejuvenating the body and nourishing the spirit. Humans have practiced self-care for centuries—in the sweat lodges of the American Southwest, Roman baths, the hammams of the Ottoman Empire, Japanese onsens, and Finnish saunas.

Today, a new interest in self-care is redefining how we accomplish wellness, and there have never been more options. In our increasingly switched-on lives, a growing industry of highly choreographed experiences is geared to help us switch off. Be Well is a journey around the world’s most extraordinary spaces for achieving this, looking at the innovative practices they offer and how to carry them into everyday life.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 21×26
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2020

ISBN: 9783899559958

Kari Molvar is a writer and editor focusing on wellness as seen through the lens of design, culture, and style. She is an online contributor to T: The New York Times Style Magazine and the founder of Rutine Matters. Her work appears in Vogue and The Wall Street Journal, among other titles.


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