



di MJ. Long

Architect MJ Long has worked with a remarkable list of artists, designing both their living and working space. Artists Studios explores some of these key projects, providing a personal insight into the creative mind behind the working space of some the most highly respected artists. The studios profiled include those of Sir Peter Blake, RB Kitaj, Paul Huxley and Frank Auerbach, amongst others.

MJ Long is an architect, interior designer and a visiting critic at Yale University s School of Architecture. Since 1976, Long has designed a number of purpose-built artists studios, each uniquely conceived with the focus on the provision of working daylight in the studio. Artists Studios looks upon the relationship between artist and studio and the designs of Long from her perspective. The book is organised around each studio she has been involved with, detailing the conception of the project and the specific needs of the artists.

Artists Studios provides the reader with a unique insight into a very special collaborative practice between architect and artist, in addition to providing a glimpse into never before seen interiors of the artists working and living environments.

> MJ Long was born in the USA, and earned her degree (MArch) in architecture at Yale University in 1964. Together with Rolfe Kentish she formed the award- winning architectural practice Long & Kentish in May 1994. The practice grew out of Colin St John Wilson & Partners, where MJ Long was a director and where Rolfe Kentish was an associate. Their experience and skill is derived from working on the new British Library building at St Pancras and on a wide variety of other projects.

Long also ran a separate practice (MJ Long Architect) from 1974 to 1996 and has been a visiting critic at schools of architecture across America, Canada and the UK. She has published numerous articles, particularly in the realm of library design, and has acted as a consultant in this field. Her prestigious public designs include The National Maritime Museum, Cornwall, the award-winning extension to Pallant House Gallery in Chichester, and the celebrated Ivy and Quo Vadis restaurants in London.
She is chair of the British National Design Review Panel and was made an officer of the British Empire (OBE) in 2009 for services to architecture and architectural education.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 19×25
Pagine: 192
Immagini a colori: 150
Immagini b/n: 108
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2013
ISBN: 9781908967206




di MJ. Long

Architect MJ Long has worked with a remarkable list of artists, designing both their living and working space. Artists Studios explores some of these key projects, providing a personal insight into the creative mind behind the working space of some the most highly respected artists. The studios profiled include those of Sir Peter Blake, RB Kitaj, Paul Huxley and Frank Auerbach, amongst others.

MJ Long is an architect, interior designer and a visiting critic at Yale University s School of Architecture. Since 1976, Long has designed a number of purpose-built artists studios, each uniquely conceived with the focus on the provision of working daylight in the studio. Artists Studios looks upon the relationship between artist and studio and the designs of Long from her perspective. The book is organised around each studio she has been involved with, detailing the conception of the project and the specific needs of the artists.

Artists Studios provides the reader with a unique insight into a very special collaborative practice between architect and artist, in addition to providing a glimpse into never before seen interiors of the artists working and living environments.

> MJ Long was born in the USA, and earned her degree (MArch) in architecture at Yale University in 1964. Together with Rolfe Kentish she formed the award- winning architectural practice Long & Kentish in May 1994. The practice grew out of Colin St John Wilson & Partners, where MJ Long was a director and where Rolfe Kentish was an associate. Their experience and skill is derived from working on the new British Library building at St Pancras and on a wide variety of other projects.

Long also ran a separate practice (MJ Long Architect) from 1974 to 1996 and has been a visiting critic at schools of architecture across America, Canada and the UK. She has published numerous articles, particularly in the realm of library design, and has acted as a consultant in this field. Her prestigious public designs include The National Maritime Museum, Cornwall, the award-winning extension to Pallant House Gallery in Chichester, and the celebrated Ivy and Quo Vadis restaurants in London.
She is chair of the British National Design Review Panel and was made an officer of the British Empire (OBE) in 2009 for services to architecture and architectural education.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 19×25
Pagine: 192
Immagini a colori: 150
Immagini b/n: 108
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2013
ISBN: 9781908967206


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