In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 85,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 78,00 €.

di Jeffrey Deitch

The most comprehensive Book to Survey the colorful History of Graffiti and Street Art Movements internationally

Forty years ago, graffiti in New York evolved from elementary mark-making into an important art form. By the end of the 1980s, it had been documented in books and films that were seen around the world, sparking an international graffiti movement.

This original edition, now back in print after several years, considers the rise of New York graffiti and the international scenes it inspired–from Los Angeles to São Paulo to Paris to Tokyo–as well as earlier and parallel movements: the break dancing and rap music of hip-hop; the graffiti used by Chicano gangs to mark their territory; the skateboarding culture that began in Southern California. Expertly researched, beautifully illustrated, and featuring contributions by many of the most significant curators, writers, and artists involved in the graffiti world, this now classic volume is an in-depth examination of this seminal movement.

– Contribution by Carlo McCormick and Roger Gastman and Fab 5 Freddy and Greg Tate

> Jeffrey Deitch has helped to build the careers of some of the leading contemporary artists as a gallerist and curator. He is the former Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Roger Gastman is an artist, curator, and producer. Fab 5 Freddy is a musician, artist, and producer. Greg Tate is a writer and musician who lives in New York. Carlo McCormick is a pop culture critic and curator living in New York.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 23,6×28,6
Pagine: 320
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2021

ISBN: 9780847869756

In Offerta


Il prezzo originale era: 85,00 €.Il prezzo attuale è: 78,00 €.

di Jeffrey Deitch

The most comprehensive Book to Survey the colorful History of Graffiti and Street Art Movements internationally

Forty years ago, graffiti in New York evolved from elementary mark-making into an important art form. By the end of the 1980s, it had been documented in books and films that were seen around the world, sparking an international graffiti movement.

This original edition, now back in print after several years, considers the rise of New York graffiti and the international scenes it inspired–from Los Angeles to São Paulo to Paris to Tokyo–as well as earlier and parallel movements: the break dancing and rap music of hip-hop; the graffiti used by Chicano gangs to mark their territory; the skateboarding culture that began in Southern California. Expertly researched, beautifully illustrated, and featuring contributions by many of the most significant curators, writers, and artists involved in the graffiti world, this now classic volume is an in-depth examination of this seminal movement.

– Contribution by Carlo McCormick and Roger Gastman and Fab 5 Freddy and Greg Tate

> Jeffrey Deitch has helped to build the careers of some of the leading contemporary artists as a gallerist and curator. He is the former Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Roger Gastman is an artist, curator, and producer. Fab 5 Freddy is a musician, artist, and producer. Greg Tate is a writer and musician who lives in New York. Carlo McCormick is a pop culture critic and curator living in New York.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 23,6×28,6
Pagine: 320
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2021

ISBN: 9780847869756


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