


a cura di Bethany Patch

  • Features the homes of a range of leading architects from around the world, including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, and Europe
  • Explores the interior design techniques, art and decorative pieces, furnishings, materials, and technology incorporated into the homes of those who know the most about them

This stunning book takes a rare glimpse into the intriguing and unique homes of some of the world’s best-known architects. How do these architects design their own private domains? How do their furnishing styles impact on the structural integrity of the space? How do these individuals express their interior design flair in their own haven? The title starts by introducing the relationship between the architect and their professional work, by telling how that marries with their own private tastes, and how they interpret current trends and enable their own philosophies to transfer to their personal, private environments. Combining rich photography and spectacular imagery with the personal stories of these industry professionals, this book provides a rich source for those keen to delve into the design aesthetics, concepts and innovations of leaders in their very own field.

> Look INSIDE/Issuu

Architects featured include: Mark Jamison/Jamison Architects, Australia; Corbett Lyon, Australia; Feras Gabriel Raffoul, Australia; Philip M Dingemnase, Australia; David Saunders, Australia; Ben Edwards, Australia; Domenic Alvaro, Australia; Terry McQuillan /bureau^proberts, Australia; Michael Bellemo and Cat MacLeod/Bellemo & Cat, Australia; Gunther Domenig/Domenig & Wallner, Austria; Massimiliano Fuksas/Fuksas, France; Werner and Ursula Sobek/Werner Sobek, Germany, Andreas Fuhrimann and Gabrielle Hachler/Andreas Fuhrimann Gabrielle Hachler Architekten, Germany; Bimal Patel/HCP Design, Planning and Management, India; Pedevilla Architects, Italy; Paolo Carlesso, Italy; Michael O’Sullivan , New Zealand; Todd Saunders/Saunders Architecture, Norway; Anton Garcia-Abril/Ensamble Studio, Spain; Leo Qvarsebo /Leo Qvarsebo Arkitekt MSA, Sweden; Mark Merer, United Kingdom; Carl Turner , United Kingdom; Peter Gluck/Gluck+, United States; Christoph Kaiser , United States; Shane Pavonetti, United States; Timothy Eddy/Hennebery Eddy Architects, United States; Jeff Stern (In Situ), United States; David Hertz, United States; Marc Manack/Silo AR+D, United States; Doug Larson, United States; Lorcan O’Herlihy, United States.

> Bethany Patch draws from her rich experiences in digital and print publishing, working with digital news publication The Conversationbefore joining The Images Publishing Group as a coordinating editor. With a particular interest in more personalised architectural projects, Beth commissioned this title, among many others, while specialising in architecture and design topics at IMAGES in Melbourne.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 25,4×25,4
Pagine: 224
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2017

ISBN: 9781864706086



a cura di Bethany Patch

  • Features the homes of a range of leading architects from around the world, including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, and Europe
  • Explores the interior design techniques, art and decorative pieces, furnishings, materials, and technology incorporated into the homes of those who know the most about them

This stunning book takes a rare glimpse into the intriguing and unique homes of some of the world’s best-known architects. How do these architects design their own private domains? How do their furnishing styles impact on the structural integrity of the space? How do these individuals express their interior design flair in their own haven? The title starts by introducing the relationship between the architect and their professional work, by telling how that marries with their own private tastes, and how they interpret current trends and enable their own philosophies to transfer to their personal, private environments. Combining rich photography and spectacular imagery with the personal stories of these industry professionals, this book provides a rich source for those keen to delve into the design aesthetics, concepts and innovations of leaders in their very own field.

> Look INSIDE/Issuu

Architects featured include: Mark Jamison/Jamison Architects, Australia; Corbett Lyon, Australia; Feras Gabriel Raffoul, Australia; Philip M Dingemnase, Australia; David Saunders, Australia; Ben Edwards, Australia; Domenic Alvaro, Australia; Terry McQuillan /bureau^proberts, Australia; Michael Bellemo and Cat MacLeod/Bellemo & Cat, Australia; Gunther Domenig/Domenig & Wallner, Austria; Massimiliano Fuksas/Fuksas, France; Werner and Ursula Sobek/Werner Sobek, Germany, Andreas Fuhrimann and Gabrielle Hachler/Andreas Fuhrimann Gabrielle Hachler Architekten, Germany; Bimal Patel/HCP Design, Planning and Management, India; Pedevilla Architects, Italy; Paolo Carlesso, Italy; Michael O’Sullivan , New Zealand; Todd Saunders/Saunders Architecture, Norway; Anton Garcia-Abril/Ensamble Studio, Spain; Leo Qvarsebo /Leo Qvarsebo Arkitekt MSA, Sweden; Mark Merer, United Kingdom; Carl Turner , United Kingdom; Peter Gluck/Gluck+, United States; Christoph Kaiser , United States; Shane Pavonetti, United States; Timothy Eddy/Hennebery Eddy Architects, United States; Jeff Stern (In Situ), United States; David Hertz, United States; Marc Manack/Silo AR+D, United States; Doug Larson, United States; Lorcan O’Herlihy, United States.

> Bethany Patch draws from her rich experiences in digital and print publishing, working with digital news publication The Conversationbefore joining The Images Publishing Group as a coordinating editor. With a particular interest in more personalised architectural projects, Beth commissioned this title, among many others, while specialising in architecture and design topics at IMAGES in Melbourne.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 25,4×25,4
Pagine: 224
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2017

ISBN: 9781864706086


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