62,00 €
a cura di R.Beil – S.Feßel
“I am working on an encyclopedia of life.” (Andreas Gursky)
A cathedral of energy production in Japan meets the temples of ancient Egypt, the informal architecture of the slums, the grid-like façades of an enormous apartment complex in Paris, or the textures of nighttime light in a megalopolis. In the photographs by Andreas Gursky (*1955 in Leipzig), living environments, locations throughout our globalized world, and arenas of historical and political power are transformed into emblematic pictorial compositions.
This publication assembles about fifteen large-format works taken by the world-famous photographer between 1988 and the present. Architecture is a special focus here, a central complex of themes in the oeuvre of the Düsseldorf-based artist. For the first time, each of Gursky’s photographs is accompanied by commentary by a well-known author. The kaleidoscope of texts and images attractively demonstrates the depth and breadth of his concept of architecture, with a concentration on the structures and textures of the buildings’ exterior and interior spaces. (German edition: ISBN 9783775721769)
– Exhibition: Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt (May 11–September 7, 2008)
> Texts by Ralf Beil, Gernot Böhme, Francesca Ferguson – Essays by Aleida Assmann, Jan Assmann, Elisabeth Bronfen, Sonja Feßel, Alfred Nordmann, Mirjam Schaub, Rudolf Schmitz, Monika Schmitz-Emans, Peter J. Schneemann, Thomas Zaunschirm u.a.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 29,9×24,7
Pagine: 112
Immagini a colori: 94
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2008
ISBN: 9783775721776
62,00 €
a cura di R.Beil – S.Feßel
“I am working on an encyclopedia of life.” (Andreas Gursky)
A cathedral of energy production in Japan meets the temples of ancient Egypt, the informal architecture of the slums, the grid-like façades of an enormous apartment complex in Paris, or the textures of nighttime light in a megalopolis. In the photographs by Andreas Gursky (*1955 in Leipzig), living environments, locations throughout our globalized world, and arenas of historical and political power are transformed into emblematic pictorial compositions.
This publication assembles about fifteen large-format works taken by the world-famous photographer between 1988 and the present. Architecture is a special focus here, a central complex of themes in the oeuvre of the Düsseldorf-based artist. For the first time, each of Gursky’s photographs is accompanied by commentary by a well-known author. The kaleidoscope of texts and images attractively demonstrates the depth and breadth of his concept of architecture, with a concentration on the structures and textures of the buildings’ exterior and interior spaces. (German edition: ISBN 9783775721769)
– Exhibition: Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt (May 11–September 7, 2008)
> Texts by Ralf Beil, Gernot Böhme, Francesca Ferguson – Essays by Aleida Assmann, Jan Assmann, Elisabeth Bronfen, Sonja Feßel, Alfred Nordmann, Mirjam Schaub, Rudolf Schmitz, Monika Schmitz-Emans, Peter J. Schneemann, Thomas Zaunschirm u.a.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Formato: 29,9×24,7
Pagine: 112
Immagini a colori: 94
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2008
ISBN: 9783775721776
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