di Leon Krier
Architect Léon Krier asks, “Can a war criminal be a great artist?” Speer, Adolf Hitler’s architect of choice, happens to be responsible for one of the boldest architectural and urban oeuvres of modern times.
First published in 1985 to an acute and critical reception, Albert Speer: Architecture 1932-1942 is a lucid, wide-ranging study of an important neoclassical architect. Yet is is simultaneously much more: a philosophical rumination on art and politics, good and evil. With aid from a new introduction by influential American architect Robert A. M. Stern, Krier candidly confronts the great difficulty of disentangling the architecture and urbanism of Albert Speer from its political intentions.
Krier bases his study on interviews with Speer just before his death. The projects presented center on his plan for Berlin, an unprecedented modernization of the city intended to be the capital of Europe.
> Born in 1946, Léon Krier is one of the most influential architects teaching and writing today. He has taught architecture and urbanism at the Royal College of Arts in London, and in the United States at Princeton University, Yale University, the University of Notre Dame, and the University of Virginia. He has worked extensively in Europe and North America and is currently consulting on projects in Guatemala, Romania, England, Belgium, Italy, France, and the United States. In 2003, he received the inaugural Richard Driehaus Prize for Classical Architecture.
> Robert A.M. Sern (Foreword by) is the founding partner of Robert A. M. Stern Architects and dean of the Yale School of Architecture. He is the author of the monumental five-volume history of New York’s architecture and urban development, culminating with New York 2000. Major current architectural projects include the new residential colleges at Yale University and the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Pagine: 272
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Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2013
ISBN: 9781580933544
di Leon Krier
Architect Léon Krier asks, “Can a war criminal be a great artist?” Speer, Adolf Hitler’s architect of choice, happens to be responsible for one of the boldest architectural and urban oeuvres of modern times.
First published in 1985 to an acute and critical reception, Albert Speer: Architecture 1932-1942 is a lucid, wide-ranging study of an important neoclassical architect. Yet is is simultaneously much more: a philosophical rumination on art and politics, good and evil. With aid from a new introduction by influential American architect Robert A. M. Stern, Krier candidly confronts the great difficulty of disentangling the architecture and urbanism of Albert Speer from its political intentions.
Krier bases his study on interviews with Speer just before his death. The projects presented center on his plan for Berlin, an unprecedented modernization of the city intended to be the capital of Europe.
> Born in 1946, Léon Krier is one of the most influential architects teaching and writing today. He has taught architecture and urbanism at the Royal College of Arts in London, and in the United States at Princeton University, Yale University, the University of Notre Dame, and the University of Virginia. He has worked extensively in Europe and North America and is currently consulting on projects in Guatemala, Romania, England, Belgium, Italy, France, and the United States. In 2003, he received the inaugural Richard Driehaus Prize for Classical Architecture.
> Robert A.M. Sern (Foreword by) is the founding partner of Robert A. M. Stern Architects and dean of the Yale School of Architecture. He is the author of the monumental five-volume history of New York’s architecture and urban development, culminating with New York 2000. Major current architectural projects include the new residential colleges at Yale University and the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato
Pagine: 272
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2013
ISBN: 9781580933544
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