


2 disponibili

di Mike Figgis


Limited Edition (4 prints + DVD), by Mike Figgis. Incl. 4 limited edition prints of Kate Moss produced by Mike Figgis and a DVD with all four Films

An astounding collaboration between Agent Provocateur, Mike Figgis and internationally revered supermodel Kate Moss, »The 4 Dreams of Miss X« is the first endeavour of its kind. Genius innovators in haute couture, Agent Provocateur commission Academy-Award nominated director Mike Figgis (“Leaving Las Vegas”, 1995) to portray Moss in her first acting role, resulting in four uniquely intimate films: »Shadows«, »Scale«, »Exhibitionist« and »Narcissus« – collectively known as ‘The 4 Dreams of Miss X’.

Shot in night vision, each film delicately captures a beautiful woman’s private dream experiences. First released online in 2006 and 2007, they are now brought together for the first time on DVD. Beautifully presented in a luxury display box, the limited-edition book complete with silk binding, is accompanied by the DVD of all four films and 4 limited edition prints of Kate Moss produced by Mike Figgis.

– Joseph Corre and Serena Rees opened the first Agent Provocateur shop in December 1994, arousing a media frenzy usually reserved for superstars. The response was both exceptional and overwhelming! At the heart of Agent Provocateur philosophy is a profound belief in the intimacy of the experience that they offer. Rees and Corre introduced their vision of lingerie avoiding the British prudery that insists on categorising anything to do with sex as sleazy or smutty. The aim was to create an availability of high quality designer lingerie with creative flair to stimulate, enchant and arouse both wearers and their partners.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato + Cofanetto + Dvd
Formato: 25,7×36,4
Pagine: 144
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2007

ISBN: 9781862057678



2 disponibili

di Mike Figgis


Limited Edition (4 prints + DVD), by Mike Figgis. Incl. 4 limited edition prints of Kate Moss produced by Mike Figgis and a DVD with all four Films

An astounding collaboration between Agent Provocateur, Mike Figgis and internationally revered supermodel Kate Moss, »The 4 Dreams of Miss X« is the first endeavour of its kind. Genius innovators in haute couture, Agent Provocateur commission Academy-Award nominated director Mike Figgis (“Leaving Las Vegas”, 1995) to portray Moss in her first acting role, resulting in four uniquely intimate films: »Shadows«, »Scale«, »Exhibitionist« and »Narcissus« – collectively known as ‘The 4 Dreams of Miss X’.

Shot in night vision, each film delicately captures a beautiful woman’s private dream experiences. First released online in 2006 and 2007, they are now brought together for the first time on DVD. Beautifully presented in a luxury display box, the limited-edition book complete with silk binding, is accompanied by the DVD of all four films and 4 limited edition prints of Kate Moss produced by Mike Figgis.

– Joseph Corre and Serena Rees opened the first Agent Provocateur shop in December 1994, arousing a media frenzy usually reserved for superstars. The response was both exceptional and overwhelming! At the heart of Agent Provocateur philosophy is a profound belief in the intimacy of the experience that they offer. Rees and Corre introduced their vision of lingerie avoiding the British prudery that insists on categorising anything to do with sex as sleazy or smutty. The aim was to create an availability of high quality designer lingerie with creative flair to stimulate, enchant and arouse both wearers and their partners.

Veste editoriale: Cartonato + Cofanetto + Dvd
Formato: 25,7×36,4
Pagine: 144
Immagini a colori:
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2007

ISBN: 9781862057678


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