



di John Pawson

  • A Visual Inventory is a selection of images chosen and annotated by John Pawson from his personal archive.
  • A selection of images from the archive of acclaimed architectural designer John Pawson (b.1949), paired and annotated to create a comprehensive and inspirational source book
  • Contains hundreds of snapshots taken around the world and captioned by the author of Phaidon’s successful Minimum
  • Paired with an illuminating caption, each image offers a different lesson in light, material, scale, proportion and many more ideas vital to creative visual thinking
  • Offers the unique opportunity of looking alongside a designer famed for his remarkable eye

John Pawson’s career as an architect and designer spans a variety of sizes and programmes: from bowls to bridges, and monasteries to Calvin Klein stores. In addition to his acclaimed design work, he is the author of Phaidon’s successful Minimum, a book that paired images and captions to illustrate the notion of simplicity in a beautiful and inspirational manner.

A Visual Inventory presents some of the images from Pawson’s personal collection of over 230,000 digital snapshots. The book opens with an essay explaining the importance of photography as a tool for Pawson’s work, and the images are set one per page with illuminating captions.

Covering a huge range of subjects, the photographs form a remarkable body of reference material. Some of the images illustrate a particular idea about form, material or space; others reflects the author’s interest in returning repeatedly to

certain subjects, capturing the changes brought by different weather, light conditions, seasons and patterns of use.

Each image has been chosen for the book because it is useful, offering a lesson in visual thinking. None of the photographs in the book have been cropped or altered; it is the selection, arrangement and captioning of the images that make this book unique, valuable and attractive to any architect, designer, artist or student who wants to see the world around them with a stronger eye.

> John Pawson was born in 1949 in Yorkshire. His work focuses on ways of approaching fundamental problems of space, proportion, light and materials. His many residential and commercial interiors have included homes and art galleries and stores in London, Dublin, New York, Paris, Seoul and Tokyo, and his subsequent projects have spanned a wide range of scales and building typologies, from stage sets and exhibitions to boats and monastaries. The New York Times has called him “The father of architectural minimalism.”

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 20,5×27
Pagine: 304
Immagini a colori: 272
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2012

ISBN: 9780714863504




di John Pawson

  • A Visual Inventory is a selection of images chosen and annotated by John Pawson from his personal archive.
  • A selection of images from the archive of acclaimed architectural designer John Pawson (b.1949), paired and annotated to create a comprehensive and inspirational source book
  • Contains hundreds of snapshots taken around the world and captioned by the author of Phaidon’s successful Minimum
  • Paired with an illuminating caption, each image offers a different lesson in light, material, scale, proportion and many more ideas vital to creative visual thinking
  • Offers the unique opportunity of looking alongside a designer famed for his remarkable eye

John Pawson’s career as an architect and designer spans a variety of sizes and programmes: from bowls to bridges, and monasteries to Calvin Klein stores. In addition to his acclaimed design work, he is the author of Phaidon’s successful Minimum, a book that paired images and captions to illustrate the notion of simplicity in a beautiful and inspirational manner.

A Visual Inventory presents some of the images from Pawson’s personal collection of over 230,000 digital snapshots. The book opens with an essay explaining the importance of photography as a tool for Pawson’s work, and the images are set one per page with illuminating captions.

Covering a huge range of subjects, the photographs form a remarkable body of reference material. Some of the images illustrate a particular idea about form, material or space; others reflects the author’s interest in returning repeatedly to

certain subjects, capturing the changes brought by different weather, light conditions, seasons and patterns of use.

Each image has been chosen for the book because it is useful, offering a lesson in visual thinking. None of the photographs in the book have been cropped or altered; it is the selection, arrangement and captioning of the images that make this book unique, valuable and attractive to any architect, designer, artist or student who wants to see the world around them with a stronger eye.

> John Pawson was born in 1949 in Yorkshire. His work focuses on ways of approaching fundamental problems of space, proportion, light and materials. His many residential and commercial interiors have included homes and art galleries and stores in London, Dublin, New York, Paris, Seoul and Tokyo, and his subsequent projects have spanned a wide range of scales and building typologies, from stage sets and exhibitions to boats and monastaries. The New York Times has called him “The father of architectural minimalism.”

Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 20,5×27
Pagine: 304
Immagini a colori: 272
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2012

ISBN: 9780714863504


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