85,00 € Il prezzo originale era: 85,00 €.78,00 €Il prezzo attuale è: 78,00 €.
di Ong-ard Satrabhandhu
This beautifully photographed volume showcases the Thai houses by the internationally renowned architect. Considered the Axel Vervoordt of Asia for his masterful use of ancient architectural elements and age-old materials, Ong-Ard Satrabhandhu is an architect whose unique style reflects its northern Thai—or Lanna—roots while keeping a firm footing in contemporary style. Lanna architecture is characterized by the concept of simplicity, nature, and focusing on ‘discovery, not invention.’ In a meaningful and informed manner, Ong-Ard Architects preserves then adds to this classic style’s simplicity with such contemporary touches as concrete floors and high, airy ceilings—creating a sophisticated juxtaposition between past and present. This presentation of Ong-Ard’s most striking architectural works was photographed by the master photographer François Halard especially for this book. Featured here are his inviting homes, resorts, and hotels, each a serene oasis whether in the countryside or the city. The interiors—grand yet spacious gestures that highlight nature-inspired architectural spaces—will inspire both casual readers and interior design aficionados alike.Striking a balance between the historic and contemporary, this volume encapsulates Thailand’s vast world influence and Ong-Ard’s keen design insight. It will be a treasured read for a worldwide audience interested in interiors, design, and architecture.
> Ong-ard Satrabhandhu is an architect and hotelier. His architecture firm, Ong-Ard Architects, is committed to traditional Lanna culture with a contemporary twist. François Halard (Photograpy by) has been a regular contributor to Vogue, Vanity Fair, GQ, and House & Garden for over thirty years. His self-titled monograph was published by Rizzoli in 2013.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 26,1×33
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori: 250
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015
ISBN: 9780847844876
85,00 € Il prezzo originale era: 85,00 €.78,00 €Il prezzo attuale è: 78,00 €.
di Ong-ard Satrabhandhu
This beautifully photographed volume showcases the Thai houses by the internationally renowned architect. Considered the Axel Vervoordt of Asia for his masterful use of ancient architectural elements and age-old materials, Ong-Ard Satrabhandhu is an architect whose unique style reflects its northern Thai—or Lanna—roots while keeping a firm footing in contemporary style. Lanna architecture is characterized by the concept of simplicity, nature, and focusing on ‘discovery, not invention.’ In a meaningful and informed manner, Ong-Ard Architects preserves then adds to this classic style’s simplicity with such contemporary touches as concrete floors and high, airy ceilings—creating a sophisticated juxtaposition between past and present. This presentation of Ong-Ard’s most striking architectural works was photographed by the master photographer François Halard especially for this book. Featured here are his inviting homes, resorts, and hotels, each a serene oasis whether in the countryside or the city. The interiors—grand yet spacious gestures that highlight nature-inspired architectural spaces—will inspire both casual readers and interior design aficionados alike.Striking a balance between the historic and contemporary, this volume encapsulates Thailand’s vast world influence and Ong-Ard’s keen design insight. It will be a treasured read for a worldwide audience interested in interiors, design, and architecture.
> Ong-ard Satrabhandhu is an architect and hotelier. His architecture firm, Ong-Ard Architects, is committed to traditional Lanna culture with a contemporary twist. François Halard (Photograpy by) has been a regular contributor to Vogue, Vanity Fair, GQ, and House & Garden for over thirty years. His self-titled monograph was published by Rizzoli in 2013.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 26,1×33
Pagine: 256
Immagini a colori: 250
Immagini b/n:
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2015
ISBN: 9780847844876
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