43,00 €
For years Chile has been putting forward new modes of architectural production from a small, hitherto peripheral location in terms of traditional centres of contemporary production. Architects of the stature of Mathias Klotz (2G 26, 2003), Smiljan Radic (2G 44, 2007) and Cecilia Puga (2G 53, 2010) testify to a strong renewal of Chilean architecture, which has its prolongation in the younger couple formed by Mauricio Pezo and Sofía von Ellrichshausen.
Established in the city of Concepción, south of Santiago de Chile, the Pezo von Ellrichshausen studio made a name for itself in 2005 following the construction of the Poli House. Since then, and despite their youth, they have consolidated themselves as one of the most fecund and promising professional studios on the contemporary architectural scene.
This number of 2G brings together 17 of the studio’s built works and projects, single-family houses for the most part, which permit the reader to witness the evolution of the themes dealt with: from the compact, monolithic construction of the early dwellings (the Rivo, Poli, Wolf, Marf and Fosc Houses), and including interesting exercises in the use of courtyards (the Parr House) or volumetric experiments (the Arco and Cien Houses), to the most recent theme of a rethink of the classic patio house (the Endo, Solo and Guna Houses), all of this completed by two apartment buildings, one in Concepción and the other in Zaragoza.
The magazine also contains introductory texts by critics Juhani Pallasmaa and Rodrigo Pérez de Arce, as well as a selection of the studio’s numerous artworks and ephemeral pavilions, revealing how its interests extend beyond architecture and explore disciplines closer to art installations, Land Art and abstract painting.
> Texts by Juhani Pallasmaa, Rodrigo Pérez de Arce, Mauricio Pezo,Sofia von Ellrichshausen
Veste editoriale: Brossura
Formato: 23×30
Pagine: 176
Lingua: E-GB
Anno: 2012
ISBN: 9788425224829
43,00 €
For years Chile has been putting forward new modes of architectural production from a small, hitherto peripheral location in terms of traditional centres of contemporary production. Architects of the stature of Mathias Klotz (2G 26, 2003), Smiljan Radic (2G 44, 2007) and Cecilia Puga (2G 53, 2010) testify to a strong renewal of Chilean architecture, which has its prolongation in the younger couple formed by Mauricio Pezo and Sofía von Ellrichshausen.
Established in the city of Concepción, south of Santiago de Chile, the Pezo von Ellrichshausen studio made a name for itself in 2005 following the construction of the Poli House. Since then, and despite their youth, they have consolidated themselves as one of the most fecund and promising professional studios on the contemporary architectural scene.
This number of 2G brings together 17 of the studio’s built works and projects, single-family houses for the most part, which permit the reader to witness the evolution of the themes dealt with: from the compact, monolithic construction of the early dwellings (the Rivo, Poli, Wolf, Marf and Fosc Houses), and including interesting exercises in the use of courtyards (the Parr House) or volumetric experiments (the Arco and Cien Houses), to the most recent theme of a rethink of the classic patio house (the Endo, Solo and Guna Houses), all of this completed by two apartment buildings, one in Concepción and the other in Zaragoza.
The magazine also contains introductory texts by critics Juhani Pallasmaa and Rodrigo Pérez de Arce, as well as a selection of the studio’s numerous artworks and ephemeral pavilions, revealing how its interests extend beyond architecture and explore disciplines closer to art installations, Land Art and abstract painting.
> Texts by Juhani Pallasmaa, Rodrigo Pérez de Arce, Mauricio Pezo,Sofia von Ellrichshausen
Veste editoriale: Brossura
Formato: 23×30
Pagine: 176
Lingua: E-GB
Anno: 2012
ISBN: 9788425224829
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