35,00 €
The Portuguese architect Paulo David is a native of Madeira and works in the archipelago. This geographically peripheral position is an important factor when it comes to contextualising his work. Firstly, because it is the potential from which to cultivate increasingly elusive parameters in our contemporary, globalised society, as are the links with the location and its traditions that David implements in his projects. Secondly, because the natural beauty typical of the archipelago is the inspiration for all the architect’s work. Paulo David utilises the craggy topography and the impressive vistas of sky and sea as essential building materials. His projects adapt to the context but without timidity, asserting themselves over the location and exploiting it to the utmost. As a result his buildings are respectful and bold in terms of the environment, and their interior spaces are inter-articulated in order to adapt to the topography, thus generating unexpected perspectives of the exterior and an intensely poetic atmosphere.
This issue of 2G, devoted to Paulo David, presents his best-known projects, such as the Casa das Mudas Art Centre, the Do Atlântico swimming pools and the Das Salinas promenade and restaurant, as well as many single-family houses and current projects like the redevelopment of Câmara de Lobos Bay, the São Vicente Caves or the Bom Sucesso residential development in Óbidos, Portugal.
Veste editoriale: Brossura
Formato: 23×30
Pagine: 144
Lingua: E-GB
Anno: 2008
ISBN: 9788425222498
35,00 €
The Portuguese architect Paulo David is a native of Madeira and works in the archipelago. This geographically peripheral position is an important factor when it comes to contextualising his work. Firstly, because it is the potential from which to cultivate increasingly elusive parameters in our contemporary, globalised society, as are the links with the location and its traditions that David implements in his projects. Secondly, because the natural beauty typical of the archipelago is the inspiration for all the architect’s work. Paulo David utilises the craggy topography and the impressive vistas of sky and sea as essential building materials. His projects adapt to the context but without timidity, asserting themselves over the location and exploiting it to the utmost. As a result his buildings are respectful and bold in terms of the environment, and their interior spaces are inter-articulated in order to adapt to the topography, thus generating unexpected perspectives of the exterior and an intensely poetic atmosphere.
This issue of 2G, devoted to Paulo David, presents his best-known projects, such as the Casa das Mudas Art Centre, the Do Atlântico swimming pools and the Das Salinas promenade and restaurant, as well as many single-family houses and current projects like the redevelopment of Câmara de Lobos Bay, the São Vicente Caves or the Bom Sucesso residential development in Óbidos, Portugal.
Veste editoriale: Brossura
Formato: 23×30
Pagine: 144
Lingua: E-GB
Anno: 2008
ISBN: 9788425222498
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