di Lawrence Schiller
“You’re already famous, now you’re going to make me famous,”photographer Lawrence Schiller said to Marilyn Monroe as they discussed the photos he was about to shoot of her. “Don’t be so cocky,” Marilyn replied, “photographers can be easily replaced.” The year was 1962, and Schiller, 25, was on assignment for Paris Match magazine. He already knew Marilyn — they had met on the set of Let’s Make Love — but nothing could have prepared him for the day she appeared nude during a swimming pool scene for the motion picture Something’s Got to Give.
Marilyn & Me is an intimate story of a legend before her fall and a young photographer on his way to the top. Schiller’s original text and extraordinary photographs—over two thirds of which have never or rarely been published—take us back to that time, and to the surprising connection that allowed Marilyn to bond with a kid from Brooklyn, a kid with a lot of ambition but very little experience. Now, 50 years later, TASCHEN is publishing Lawrence Schiller’s story as a signed, numbered monograph limited to 1,962 copies, for the year of Monroe’s untimely death. Schiller’s is a story that has never been told before, and he tells it with tact, humor, and compassion. The result is a real and unexpected portrait that captures the star in the midst of her final struggle.
– Collector’s Edition of 1,712 numbered copies (books numbered No. 251–1,962) signed by the photographer. Also available in two Art Editions of 125 copies, each with an original photograph
– The book and clamshell box are covered in a custom woven duchesse silkfrom one of the world’s most distinguished silk mills, Taroni, of Como, Italy
– Printed on archival paper
– Four foldouts, with one gatefold measuring a full 110 cm (44 in.) across
– Translation booklet of the text available in German, French and Spanish with purchase upon request
> Lawrence Schiller began his career as a photojournalist for Life, Playboy, andParis Match, among others, photographing some of the most iconic figures of the 1960s, from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert F. Kennedy, from Ali and Foreman to Redford and Newman. His many book collaborations include the Pulitzer Prize-winning book with Norman Mailer, The Executioner’s Song; and he has written fiveNew York Times bestsellers. He has also directed seven motion pictures and miniseries for television; The Executioner’s Song and Peter the Great won five Emmys. He is also the founder of The Norman Mailer Center & Writer’s Colony in Provincetown, Massachusetts.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato + Cofanetto
Formato: 29×39,5
Pagine: 210
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2012
ISBN: 9783836536240
di Lawrence Schiller
“You’re already famous, now you’re going to make me famous,”photographer Lawrence Schiller said to Marilyn Monroe as they discussed the photos he was about to shoot of her. “Don’t be so cocky,” Marilyn replied, “photographers can be easily replaced.” The year was 1962, and Schiller, 25, was on assignment for Paris Match magazine. He already knew Marilyn — they had met on the set of Let’s Make Love — but nothing could have prepared him for the day she appeared nude during a swimming pool scene for the motion picture Something’s Got to Give.
Marilyn & Me is an intimate story of a legend before her fall and a young photographer on his way to the top. Schiller’s original text and extraordinary photographs—over two thirds of which have never or rarely been published—take us back to that time, and to the surprising connection that allowed Marilyn to bond with a kid from Brooklyn, a kid with a lot of ambition but very little experience. Now, 50 years later, TASCHEN is publishing Lawrence Schiller’s story as a signed, numbered monograph limited to 1,962 copies, for the year of Monroe’s untimely death. Schiller’s is a story that has never been told before, and he tells it with tact, humor, and compassion. The result is a real and unexpected portrait that captures the star in the midst of her final struggle.
– Collector’s Edition of 1,712 numbered copies (books numbered No. 251–1,962) signed by the photographer. Also available in two Art Editions of 125 copies, each with an original photograph
– The book and clamshell box are covered in a custom woven duchesse silkfrom one of the world’s most distinguished silk mills, Taroni, of Como, Italy
– Printed on archival paper
– Four foldouts, with one gatefold measuring a full 110 cm (44 in.) across
– Translation booklet of the text available in German, French and Spanish with purchase upon request
> Lawrence Schiller began his career as a photojournalist for Life, Playboy, andParis Match, among others, photographing some of the most iconic figures of the 1960s, from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert F. Kennedy, from Ali and Foreman to Redford and Newman. His many book collaborations include the Pulitzer Prize-winning book with Norman Mailer, The Executioner’s Song; and he has written fiveNew York Times bestsellers. He has also directed seven motion pictures and miniseries for television; The Executioner’s Song and Peter the Great won five Emmys. He is also the founder of The Norman Mailer Center & Writer’s Colony in Provincetown, Massachusetts.
Veste editoriale: Cartonato + Cofanetto
Formato: 29×39,5
Pagine: 210
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2012
ISBN: 9783836536240
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