





20th-Century World Architecture portrays, for the first time, an overview of the finest built architecture from around the world completed between 1900 and 1999. The unprecedented global scope of this collection of over 750 key buildings juxtaposes architectural icons with regional masterpieces.

Specially designed and commissioned graphics at the start of the atlas explore the changing economic and political contexts of architectural production throughout this fascinating century, and highlight the flow of architectural ideas and architects around the globe. The selection of projects brilliantly illustrates the built outcomes of these formal and cultural influences in every corner of the world, with some surprising revelations.

Divided into six world regions and 29 sub-regions, over 80 countries are represented. The collection is the result of a rigorous selection process and the input of more than 150 specialists from around the world, ensuring that each region has benefited from expert advice.

Every building is located on maps that are defined by contemporary political geography, with detailed information accompanying each project, which is fully illustrated and described by a short text. In addition, a mass of useful information is provided in extensive indexes.



  • ’20th-Century World Architecture is high-concept indeed. The great merit of this punchdrunk heavyweight is extraordinary depth and range. Plus some excellent archive photographs, old and new. …an engrossing book …a perfect record of its subject; ambitious, magnificent’ – (The Spectator)
  • ‘Beautifully detailed and well organised’- (Richard Rogers)
  • ’20th Century World Architecture documents the extraordinary quality and quantity of architecture produced during the last century’ – (Richard Meier)
  • ‘Phaidon’s colossal 20th Century World Architecture is a real tour de force. While the sheer volume of information is breathtaking, what impresses me most is the fascinating view of architecture in the 20th century created by the breadth of the projects and their contexts.’ Michael Graves ‘an epic production… It aims to set architecture in wider contexts of colonisation and decolonisation, and of cultural exchanges between countries. …the atlas shows a richer world than the official histories allowed for… impressive’ – (The Observer)
  • ‘At a hefty 824 pages, 20th Century World Architecture: The Phaidon Atlas takes a truly global and remarkably comprehensive look at projects constructed between 1900 – 1999.’ – (Architectural Digest)
  • ‘Everyone likes to argue over best-of lists. But the admirable quality of Phaidon’s hefty new offering… boxes in a century’s worth of building design. The effort alone is worth celebrating; as it turns out, the results are as well… This book is an atlas but it’s also a snapshot: the 20th century as seen from 2012. What a view.’ – (The Atlantic)


Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 31×45
Pagine: 824
Immagini a colori: 3000
Immagini b/n: 2500
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2012

ISBN: 9780714857060






20th-Century World Architecture portrays, for the first time, an overview of the finest built architecture from around the world completed between 1900 and 1999. The unprecedented global scope of this collection of over 750 key buildings juxtaposes architectural icons with regional masterpieces.

Specially designed and commissioned graphics at the start of the atlas explore the changing economic and political contexts of architectural production throughout this fascinating century, and highlight the flow of architectural ideas and architects around the globe. The selection of projects brilliantly illustrates the built outcomes of these formal and cultural influences in every corner of the world, with some surprising revelations.

Divided into six world regions and 29 sub-regions, over 80 countries are represented. The collection is the result of a rigorous selection process and the input of more than 150 specialists from around the world, ensuring that each region has benefited from expert advice.

Every building is located on maps that are defined by contemporary political geography, with detailed information accompanying each project, which is fully illustrated and described by a short text. In addition, a mass of useful information is provided in extensive indexes.



  • ’20th-Century World Architecture is high-concept indeed. The great merit of this punchdrunk heavyweight is extraordinary depth and range. Plus some excellent archive photographs, old and new. …an engrossing book …a perfect record of its subject; ambitious, magnificent’ – (The Spectator)
  • ‘Beautifully detailed and well organised’- (Richard Rogers)
  • ’20th Century World Architecture documents the extraordinary quality and quantity of architecture produced during the last century’ – (Richard Meier)
  • ‘Phaidon’s colossal 20th Century World Architecture is a real tour de force. While the sheer volume of information is breathtaking, what impresses me most is the fascinating view of architecture in the 20th century created by the breadth of the projects and their contexts.’ Michael Graves ‘an epic production… It aims to set architecture in wider contexts of colonisation and decolonisation, and of cultural exchanges between countries. …the atlas shows a richer world than the official histories allowed for… impressive’ – (The Observer)
  • ‘At a hefty 824 pages, 20th Century World Architecture: The Phaidon Atlas takes a truly global and remarkably comprehensive look at projects constructed between 1900 – 1999.’ – (Architectural Digest)
  • ‘Everyone likes to argue over best-of lists. But the admirable quality of Phaidon’s hefty new offering… boxes in a century’s worth of building design. The effort alone is worth celebrating; as it turns out, the results are as well… This book is an atlas but it’s also a snapshot: the 20th century as seen from 2012. What a view.’ – (The Atlantic)


Veste editoriale: Cartonato con Sovraccoperta
Formato: 31×45
Pagine: 824
Immagini a colori: 3000
Immagini b/n: 2500
Lingua: GB
Anno: 2012

ISBN: 9780714857060


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